To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

“Our amiable and divine Saviour,” said she,” permitted me to hear his lamentations over his love, unknown in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. He most happily united my heart and my mind at his feet, that I might remain with him in his abandonment, adoring his most Holy Face, concealed under the sacramental veils. Verily, it is through this august sacrament, that Jesus our Saviour wishes to communicate to souls the virtue of his most Holy Face. He has again promised me to imprint his divine features on the souls of those who honor him”.

In presenting anew to the sister the mystery of his Holy Face, Our Lord enlightened her by a conception which, as she expressed it, disclosed a “beautiful horizon“ on Reparation for Blasphemy, by manifesting the affinity existing between his most Holy Name and his most Holy Face. “Our Lord,” said she, “by the aid of a comparison as simple as just, permitted me to comprehend how the wicked by their blasphemy attack his adorable Face, and how the faithful glorify it by the homage of praise rendered his Name and his person.”

“The merit of an individual lies in his character, but the glory of his reputation rests on his name.”

“The Holy Name of God expresses the Divinity, and contains all the perfections of the Creator; it follows, therefore, that the blasphemers of this Sacred Name insult God directly. Let us recall the words of Jesus: “I am in my Father and my Father in me.” (St. John.) Jesus became man by the Incarnation; it is he who has suffered in his adorable Face all the outrages committed by the blasphemers of the Name of his Father. Our Lord has manifested to me, that there is something mysterious on the face of an honorable man, who has suffered contumely; his name and his face are particularly allied. Observe a man distinguished by his name and by his merits, in the presence of his enemies; these raise not the hand against him, but overwhelm him with injurious epithets, instead of the honorable titles which are his due, scoffing at him and mocking him.”

“Again, notice the expression of his face, would you not suppose that all the derisive language of his enemies was imprinted thereon, causing him to suffer a martyrdom? Behold that countenance covered with shame and confusion; he could support the most cruel pains, the most excruciating tortures without flinching; but the loss of his reputation, of his good name, this is unsupportable, he can no longer control his emotions, which are soon depicted on his countenance. Such is a feeble portrait of the Divine Face of Our Lord contemned by blasphemers.”

“Now let us represent to ourselves this man once more, but in the presence of his friends, who being apprised of the insults he has received, eagerly present themselves to sympathize with him, offering the respect due to the greatness of his name. Shall we not then read in his countenance the consolation which these sympathies afford him? His brow again bespeaks peace, and his features become radiant with joy; happiness beams, from his eyes, and the smile of gladness is on his lips; loving friends have soothed that face outraged by enemies; opprobrium is forgotten, peace and happiness reign supreme. We can see in this feeble image, that which the friends of Jesus perform in the Work of Reparation. The glory which they render his Name encircles his august brow, and is portrayed on his most Holy Face in the adorable Sacrament of the altar. Reverend mother, this comparison which Our Lord has given me, has greatly enlightened me. I now see clearly that blasphemers insult the Face of Our Lord, and that reparators rejoice and glorify it. I have never before had occasion to make this remark, that the face of man is the seat on which is enthroned either glory or ignominy. Therefore, I shall apply myself anew to honor the Name and the most Holy Face of Jesus, who has so touchingly invited me to render him this service.” P. 302-305 Life of Sister Mary St. Peter Carmelite of Tours M Labbe Janvier

When our Lord disclosed to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre with a lonely sigh, that His love in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar was not appreciated because of the lack of faith among Christians, this is reminiscent of at least two circumstances in the Holy Gospels where His love was similarly not returned by His own people:

  1. When He journeyed back into His own country (or town), those who knew His family “were scandalized in his regard.  But Jesus said to them:  A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country and in his own house.  And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief.”  St. Matthew 14:57-58, and
  2. On the day on which we commemorate Palm Sunday and Jesus drew near to Jerusalem, “seeing the city, he wept over it saying:  If thou also hadst known, and that in this thy day, the things that are to thy peace:  but now they are hidden from thy eyes.”  St. Luke 19: 41-42

In our day & time, we have the golden opportunity within a Holy Hour to adore Jesus with our faces beholding His Holy Face. We can in silence show our love for Him, and make reparation for both the lack of faith and apathy amongst His children towards His Real Presence in the Eucharist.  Let us endeavour to make it a priority to visit Him and spend time with Him.  With His promise to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre on January 21, 1847 that He would, “imprint His Divine Likeness upon the souls of those who honor the features of His Face,” (the Golden Arrow, p. 187), the sacrifice of a little of our time is a pittance in comparison with the available blessedness which can be gained in our souls.

Also, in the last two remaining weeks of January (the month dedicated to His Holy Name), we still have the opportunity to adore the Admirable Name of God which is above every name through prayers such as the “Twenty-four Acts of Reparation,” and the “Crown to the Glory of the Holy Name of God,” both composed by Sr. Marie de St. Pierre.  They are listed for your downloading pleasure in the link “Prayers of the Holy Face” here on our website.

The littlest wren

Tag: Reparation

  • Revelation January 21, 1847

    Revelation January 21, 1847

    “Our amiable and divine Saviour,” said she,” permitted me to hear his lamentations over his love, unknown in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. He most happily united my heart and my mind at his feet, that I might remain with him in his abandonment, adoring his most Holy Face, concealed under the sacramental…

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