To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

During the last three weeks our Lord has continually kept me engaged in giving spiritual assistance to the dying.  Our Lord made known to me that He had assigned me to the Blessed Virgin as her little servant, and in this role I, in spirit, accompany her to help the travelers from Time to Eternity.

               It seems to me that our Lord told me that I have not quite three years left to live.  Being now thirty years of age, I shall, in imitation of our Lord, employ my remaining years pursuing His sheep that are lost.  Oh, blindness of men that runs after the perishable riches of this earth whose aggregate value could not even purchase a single soul!  Yet in the meantime it scorns all that our Redeemer has done for us, which treasure suffices to purchase millions of souls if we but present these His merits at the bank of Divine Mercy.

(Golden Arrow P. 186)

What an intercessor we have in Sr. Marie de St. Pierre (alongside our Blessed Mother) for souls who are in their final agony!  She refers to the merits of His Holy Face, His Sacred Heart, His Precious Blood, His Holy Wounds & Holy Cross as the merits at our disposal (see posting “His Heart, His Face, His Wounds & His Blood” published December 12, 2023) to employ as “precious coins” before the judgment seat of God to implore His mercy (notice the reference to the devotion to Divine Mercy) on behalf of those souls crossing the threshold between heaven and earth. Also, let us implore these merits for the conversion of poor sinners as we pray the Holy Face prayers and the Holy Rosary.

The littlest wren

Tag: jesus

  • Revelation to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre – January 10, 1847

    Revelation to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre – January 10, 1847

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  • His Heart, His Face, His Wounds & His Blood

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