To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

January is the month of the Holy Name of Jesus so as the world continues to spiral into darkness and completely ridiculously insane immorality we must ever boldly proclaim His Most Holy name Jesus. “Every tongue confess and every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus”. The honor and glory of a person is in his name and there is no name in the world which has greater honor, power and glory then the name of Jesus. it is no wonder then that the devil and his minions continuously provoke mankind to blasphemy. Therefore ever more we must proclaim the Holy Face Devotion to make reparation for this blasphemy. There is no greater devotion to atone for these sins then this beautiful devotion as it was Jesus Himself that made this known to Sister Marie De Saint Pierre . He made known to me that He desired to see the Holy Face offered as the exterior object of adoration to all his children who would be associated in the Work of Reparation for Blasphemy. The Lord then declared “that the gift of His adorable Countenance which he presented to me on that day was, next to the sacraments, the greatest gift He could bestow on me.”(1) The prayers of this devotion are so incredibly beautiful and powerful bringing glory to God’s Holy Name and appeasing God the Eternal Father’s anger so much so that gracious he promised many miracles and the conversion of many sinners. So let us go forth this year with haste and spread the devotion to the ends of the earth giving praise glory and honor to the Holy name of God and his only Son Jesus. Most admirable is his Holy Name. So if you haven’t already started this devotion we urge you today to begin. For information on prayers go to our prayer page on the main menu. God Bless you all!

Sit nomen Domini Benedictum !

[1] Revelation Oct 27 1845 , The Golden Arrow

Tag: holy-spirit

  • the Holy Name of Jesus

    the Holy Name of Jesus

    January is the month of the Holy Name of Jesus so as the world continues to spiral into darkness and completely ridiculously insane immorality we must ever boldly proclaim His Most Holy name Jesus. “Every tongue confess and every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus”. The honor and glory of a person is in…