To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Reasons to Promote Devotion to the Holy Face

  1. St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face reached her great heights of sanctity through the Holy Face Devotion, becoming not only a saint but a Doctor of the Church. She is a registered member of the Archconfraternity along with her father St. Louis Martin, and 3 of her siblings.
  2. Christ reveals the recompense for offering the wounded Countenance of Christ to the Father in reparation for current sins of blasphemy as the “greatest grace second to the sacraments.” pg. 247 Life of Sr Mary of Saint Peter Carmelite of Tours by M. Labbe Janvier.
  3. Jesus gave us this devotion to help combat communism, atheism and all enemies of God and His Church.
  4. Christ reveals that offering the wounded Countenance of Christ to the Father in reparation for the current sins of blasphemy as “the sole means of appeasing the Father [in the face of chastisement, especially regarding “revolutionary men]”. Life of Sr Mary of Saint Peter.
  5. Through this devotion, we pray for the conversion of sinners therefore offering spiritual acts of mercy to the Lord.
  6. The offering of Christ’s merits and love, constituent in the wounded Countenance of Christ, is the “most beautiful work under the sun” in that it is an extension of the great Redemption as continually renewed in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, an offering made in union with the Sacred Heart.
  7. The battle style prayers of the Holy Face Chaplet and others are an attractive way of getting more men on their knees praying.
  8. It is not only a “sister devotion” to Fatima, offering a means for man to assist Our Lady in the defeat of Satan, but it is bestowed upon men through her, according to Christ, “This Work of Reparation is so necessary for France and fraught with so much glory for God, that he desires his Holy Mother to have the honor of giving it to this kingdom, as a new pledge of mercy.” Life of Sr Mary Of Saint Peter.
  9. Many have testified personally that when praying the Holy Face prayers, their hope is restored – that the work of reparation is a tangible way of entering into the battle & fighting evil.
  10. Devotion to the Sacred Heart, to the Holy Wounds, to the Most Precious Blood, to Divine Mercy, and to the Most Blessed Sacrament are contained within the Devotion to the Holy Face: Making reparation restores mankind into the Image and Likeness of God, especially through the Chaplet of the Holy Face. This is also in accordance with the promises of the Holy Face devotion.
  11. We imitate the great Saints by actively contemplating the Face of Christ.
  12. Through these prayers God promises: He will look after all the affairs of their households.
  13. The Holy Face Devotion is approved by Holy Mother Church and was established as an Archconfraternity by Pope Leo XIII, 1 Oct 1885.
  14. These prayers seek the fulfillment of the triumph of Holy Mother Church, especially the Holy Face Chaplet. (Numbers 10:35).
  15. The Holy Face Devotion is a preparation for the Beatific Vision. It is completely scriptural to seek the Face of God.
  16. Pope St. John Paul II dedicated the new Millennium to the Holy Face of Jesus. (Encyclical Letter – Ecclesia De Eucharistia of His Holiness Pope John Paul II & his Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte Jan 6, 2001)
  17. Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus is Trinitarian, Eucharistic, and Marian.
  18. By contemplation of the Holy Face of Jesus in His Passion, in the Eucharist, and in our neighbour, we are more disposed to fulfill Jesus’ two greatest commandments “to love God and our neighbour.”
  19. Devotion to the Holy Face is “the essence of Charity,” as Sr. Marie St. Pierre explains in her writings.
  20. The Face of Christ is the “door” we must enter to come before the Face of the Father; it is the work of the Holy Spirit to transform us in love and restore His Image in our souls.
  21. Contemplation of the Face of Jesus is an act of compassion: The deep meaning and call to every Christian is revealed in the presence of the unknown woman we call “St. Veronica”– each act of charity, every act of compassion will leave the imprint of the Face of Jesus in our souls, transforming us into His own Image.