To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

O Jesus, eternal truth and wisdom, who wast called a tempter and a madman, I adore thee and love thee with all my heart.

O Jesus, in whom dwelt all the riches of divine science, who wast looked upon as ignorant and as the son of a carpenter, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, source of life, who didst hear the Jews say of thee, ” Will he kill himself? ” Because thou saidst, ” I go where thou canst not follow me,” I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, Divine Word, who wast supposed to be possessed by a devil and wast called a Samaritan, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, God thrice holy, who wast treated as a sinner by the High-Priests, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, model of sobriety, whose enemies accused thee of gluttony, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, enemy of sin, but full of pity for the guilty, who wast called the friend of publicans and sinners, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, the splendor of the Father and the image of his substance, who wast accused of being a false prophet, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, the enemy of falsehood, who didst hear the Jews cast doubts on thy words by saying with irony, “Thou art not yet fifty and hast seen Abraham? ” I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, all-powerful God, who, to conform with our nature, which thou hadst taken upon thyself, wished to hide and go from the Temple, that thou mightiest not be stoned by thine enemies, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, only Son and faithful worshipper of the living God, who wast accused by the High-Priest of blasphemy and wast adjudged worthy of death, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, King of glory, who, full of sweetness and humility, didst permit thy Face to be spit upon, thy Head to be covered with a veil and beaten and bruised, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, who dost fathom our hearts and loins, to whom nothing is hidden, and who didst suffer without complaint these insolent words, “If thou art the Christ, tell who has struck thee,” I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, King of peace, accused of perverting the nation and preventing the payment of the tribute-money, of causing the people to revolt and calling thyself King and Messiah, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, King of kings, scorned by Herod and his court, and dressed in derision in a white robe like a madman, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, full of love, who didst hear the cry of the people, ” Let this one die, and restore Barabbas to us,” ” Let his blood be upon us and upon our children,” I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, King of heaven and earth, crowned with thorns, shamefully beaten, and so cruelly outraged by these words, ” We salute thee, O King of the Jews,” I adore thee, etc. O Jesus, of infinite bounty, principle of all being, Sovereign Master of the world, who didst hear these words of doom, ” Crucify him, crucify him lead him away! lead him away! We have no other king but Caesar,” I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, worthy of all praise, who when upon the Cross wast blasphemed by the passers-by, the impenitent thief, the High- Priests, the elders of the people, and the scribes and soldiers, I adore thee, etc.

O Jesus, holy victim of sinners, who didst hear thine enemies say to thee, ” He saved others and cannot save himself; let this Christ, this King of Israel, now come down from the Cross, that we may see and believe in him,” I adore thee, etc. O Jesus, full of confidence, love, and respect for thy Divine Father, who wast wounded with the most lively pain when they said on seeing thee die, ” He puts his trust in God; if God love him let him deliver him now, for he has said, I am the Son of God,” I adore thee, and I love thee with all my heart.


I bitterly compassionate, O my Saviour, Jesus Christ, the anguish endured by thy divine Heart when thou didst hear blasphemies that thine enemies poured forth against thee and thy heavenly Father; but what, O Jesus, must be thy sorrow in seeing that after thou hast given thy life, and the last drop of thy blood, for the salvation of men, thou shouldst still have, after the lapse of centuries, new enemies who reiterate a thousand times these blasphemies! Accept, my sweet Jesus, the ardent desire we have to repair all the outrages and scorn thou hast received, and still dost receive every day, from heretics. and the impious. Oh! why cannot we protect thee from the anger of those that hate thee, and who are leagued against thee and thy Holy Church, thy stainless spouse? Repeat with us, O merciful Jesus, that touching prayer thou didst offer to thy Divine Father before breathing thy last sigh: ” Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!” We offer thee, as reparation for the many offences against thee, all the glory, honor, and praise, and all the joy, that the Holy Virgin and St. Joseph, the Saints and elect, did give thee and will ever give thee in time and eternity. Amen.

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