To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Behold a second time our Lord comes to announce additional and magnificent promises in favor of the associates in the Work of Reparation to the Holy Face. Our Lord said to me:

“Those who embrace this Work with true piety will not be lost, for I Myself will defend them before My Father and I will given them the Kingdom of Heaven. I will grant them the grace of final perseverance.” After that our Lord added:

“Do not be astonished at these promises which I make in favor of those who devote themselves to repairing for blasphemies against God’s Holy Name through the Devotion to My Sacred Face because this Work of Reparation is the very essence of Charity, and those who possess Charity possess life.”

These are the revelations which our Saviour commanded me to make known to my superiors. He then said that it was He Himself, and His Spouse, Holy Church, who had given birth to this Work of Reparation. But in order that this newly-born Devotion should live and be properly received by the faithful, it must be established by the Divine Authority of our Holy Church, He told me, because without this the Work would have no success. For this reason our Lord desires to see this Work of Reparation built upon a solid foundation, and He said that its purpose, as well as all its precious advantages, must be made known far and wide.

The Golden Arrow, p. 173-174

It is so very interesting how our Lord likens the Work of Reparation to a newborn child, born of Jesus and His Spouse, our Holy Church! Continuing with this analogy, He stresses that if this “Child” is to be living and breathing, It needs to be both properly received by the faithful and established formally by Its Mother, the Church (as it has by being raised to the status of an Archconfraternity throughout the whole world and for all time by Pope Leo XIII in 1885), otherwise It would be unsuccessful! Further, our Lord explains that this “Child” must be permeated with Charity to possess life!

It is our task, as Holy Face devotees therefore, to spread this Devotion far and wide, continuing the task of propagation, and pray the prayers with deep piety. If we do so, our Lord promises three amazing blessings: 1) that pious devotees will not be lost, but will be defended before the throne of His Father, 2) He would grant them final perseverance at the end of their earthly lives, and 3) devotees would be granted eternal life because of the charity they offer in making reparation. Therefore, if we imbue the Holy Face prayers with charity for our wounded Saviour by compassionate reparation, we will pray life into them that will Lord willing, merit us Eternal Life in the Beatific Vision. Now, that is something definitely worth striving for! Blessed be the Holy Face in the majesty and beauty of Its heavenly features!

the littlest wren

Category: Revelations

  • Revelation of March 23, 1846

    Revelation of March 23, 1846

    Behold a second time our Lord comes to announce additional and magnificent promises in favor of the associates in the Work of Reparation to the Holy Face. Our Lord said to me: “Those who embrace this Work with true piety will not be lost, for I Myself will defend them before My Father and I…

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    Revelation to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre – February 26th, 1844

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  • Revelation to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre – January 10, 1847

    Revelation to Sr. Marie de St. Pierre – January 10, 1847

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