By a Rescript dated 27th of January 1853. His Holiness Pope Pius IX grants to all who recite, with a contrite heart, these prayers in honor Of the Face of Jesus Christ an indulgence of a hundred days for each time applicable to the souls in Purgatory.
Prayer I
I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee. 0 Jesus, my Savior, outraged anew by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the angels, and saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen.
Pater, Ave, Gloria (Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be)
Prayer II
I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee. 0 adorable Face of Jesus, my Beloved, Noble Seal of the Divinity; with all the powers of my soul I apply myself to Thee, and most humbly pray Thee to imprint in us all the features of Thy Divine likeness. Amen.
Prayer III
O adorable Face of my Jesus, so mercifully bowed down upon the tree of the Cross, on the day of Thy Passion for the salvation of men, now again, incline in Thy Pity towards us poor sinners; cast upon us a look of compassion, and receive us to the kiss Of peace. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Amen.
Sit nomen Domini benedictum! Amen.
From the Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face p 154-155