Eternal Father, turn Thine offended eyes from the culpable (Country), whose face has become hideous in Thy eyes, and look upon the Face of Thy Son which we offer thee – this well-beloved Son, in whom Thou art well pleased. Listen, we beseech Thee, to the voice of His blood and His wounds, which cry out for mercy.
Eternal Father, behold the Incarnation of Jesus, Thy Divine Son, and His sojourn in the womb of His Blessed Mother. We offer this to Thee for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name and for the salvation of the (Country).
Eternal Father, behold the birth of Jesus in the stable of Bethlehem and the mysteries of His most Holy Infancy. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the crib, the swaddling bands which have served Jesus at His birth. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the poor, hidden, and laborious life of Jesus at Nazareth. We offer it to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the baptism of Jesus and His forty days’ retreat in the desert. We offer these to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the journeys, the vigils, the prayers, the miracles, and sermons of Jesus. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the Last Supper which Jesus made with His disciples, at which He washed their feet and instituted the august sacrament of the Eucharist. We offer it to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Olives, the sweat of blood which covered His Body and flowed to the ground. We offer this to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the outrages which Jesus received before His judges, and His condemnation to death. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold Jesus burdened with His Cross and walking towards the place where He is to be immolated. We offer Him to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold Jesus crucified between two thieves, tasting gall and vinegar, blasphemed, and dying to repair Thy glory and to save the world. We offer Him to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the Sacred head of Jesus crowned with thorns. We offer it to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the adorable Face of Jesus bruised with buffets, covered with sweat, dust, and blood. We offer it to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the adorable Body of Jesus taken down from the Cross. We offer it to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the Heart, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus, this Holy Victim who in dying has triumphed over sin. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold all that Jesus Christ, Thy only Son, has done during the thirty-three years of His mortal life to accomplish the work of our Redemption. Behold all the mysteries of His Holy Life. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold all the desires, all the thoughts, words, actions, virtues, perfections, and prayers, of Jesus Christ; also all His sufferings and humiliations. We offer them to Thee, etc.
Eternal Father, behold the Cross, the nails, the crown of thorns, the reed, the bloody scourge, the column, the lance, the sepulchre, the winding-sheet, and all the instruments which were used in the Passion of Jesus, Thy Divine Son. We offer them to Thee, etc.