To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Our Lord continues still to charge me with the mission of making war on the Communists. He supplies me with grace and light for the battle. The instruments of His passion serve me as weapons of war, while the Holy Name of God which is so terrifying to the demons, as also that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, serve me as ammunition.

To further rouse me to this battle against God’s enemies, whom I understand through a special light to be, indeed, formidable, our Lord said to Me:

“When a soldier knows that the reason for the war to which he is called to fight is an injury done against his ruler, he burns with indignation to avenge this insult, and therefore arms himself fearlessly for the encounter. Think now, My daughter, of the outrages inflicted on Me by this Society of Communists. They are the ones who have dragged Me from my tabernacles, and desecrated My sanctuaries. These Communists have also dared to lay their hands on the priests of the Lord, but all their plotting is in vain, because their schemes will not succeed!”

“Have they not committed the crime of Judas? They have sold Me for money! This information must not remain fruitless in you because I am giving you these facts in order to fire you with new enthusiasm to carry on the fight. Act in a spirit of simplicity because if you will indulge in too much human reasoning, you will not be an adequate tool in My hands. Think rather of the glory that will be offered Me by the whole heavenly court for having conquered such formidable enemies with such a puny instrument!”

The Golden Arrow, p. 204-205


Let us pray that as soldiers in this current battle, our hearts will be set aflame to make reparation whenever we witness injuries inflicted upon Our Lord and His Church, calling upon both the Holy Names of God and of the Blessed Virgin which terrify the demons and send them running! Let us also remember our priests often in our prayers; those who have blessed us with the Sacraments and have touched our lives through their holy way of life and their homilies. There are many included and apart from this group who are struggling with loneliness, depression, a lack of a sense of purposefulness, and very much overburdened. Without them, we would not be able to receive our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, nor commune with Him Face to face in the precious times of Adoration.

It is so very interesting how our Lord called Sr. Marie de St. Pierre to act in a spirit of simplicity, which recalls His words in Matt. 10:16: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.” This is a call to listen for the interior promptings of the Holy Spirit to lead us in new enthusiasm this Easter season to daily carry on the fight with our prayers of Holy Face Reparation (Yes! Our Lord indeed made it that simple!) against the diabolical plots of the enemies of Christ and His Church. We can only marvel that He desires us “puny instruments” to give Him the glory that He is due alongside the entire heavenly court including the Church Triumphant!

the littlest wren

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Revelation of April 1, 1847

Our Lord continues still to charge me with the mission of making war on the Communists. He supplies me with grace and light for the battle. The instruments of His passion serve me as weapons of war, while the Holy Name of God which is so terrifying to the demons, as also that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, serve me as ammunition.

To further rouse me to this battle against God’s enemies, whom I understand through a special light to be, indeed, formidable, our Lord said to Me:

“When a soldier knows that the reason for the war to which he is called to fight is an injury done against his ruler, he burns with indignation to avenge this insult, and therefore arms himself fearlessly for the encounter. Think now, My daughter, of the outrages inflicted on Me by this Society of Communists. They are the ones who have dragged Me from my tabernacles, and desecrated My sanctuaries. These Communists have also dared to lay their hands on the priests of the Lord, but all their plotting is in vain, because their schemes will not succeed!”

“Have they not committed the crime of Judas? They have sold Me for money! This information must not remain fruitless in you because I am giving you these facts in order to fire you with new enthusiasm to carry on the fight. Act in a spirit of simplicity because if you will indulge in too much human reasoning, you will not be an adequate tool in My hands. Think rather of the glory that will be offered Me by the whole heavenly court for having conquered such formidable enemies with such a puny instrument!”

The Golden Arrow, p. 204-205


Let us pray that as soldiers in this current battle, our hearts will be set aflame to make reparation whenever we witness injuries inflicted upon Our Lord and His Church, calling upon both the Holy Names of God and of the Blessed Virgin which terrify the demons and send them running! Let us also remember our priests often in our prayers; those who have blessed us with the Sacraments and have touched our lives through their holy way of life and their homilies. There are many included and apart from this group who are struggling with loneliness, depression, a lack of a sense of purposefulness, and very much overburdened. Without them, we would not be able to receive our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, nor commune with Him Face to face in the precious times of Adoration.

It is so very interesting how our Lord called Sr. Marie de St. Pierre to act in a spirit of simplicity, which recalls His words in Matt. 10:16: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.” This is a call to listen for the interior promptings of the Holy Spirit to lead us in new enthusiasm this Easter season to daily carry on the fight with our prayers of Holy Face Reparation (Yes! Our Lord indeed made it that simple!) against the diabolical plots of the enemies of Christ and His Church. We can only marvel that He desires us “puny instruments” to give Him the glory that He is due alongside the entire heavenly court including the Church Triumphant!

the littlest wren

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