To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Standing in the Breach:

The following is what transpired in my soul today after Holy Communion. Our Lord told me to receive Him in the Sacred Host as King, and to offer Him my soul for His dominion. He then urged me to present myself before Him in the name of our nation, as an ambassador offering Him my Communion in the spirit of reparation for the crimes of which our nation is guilty, particularly those against the Divine Majesty, and those against holy Church.
Having received this Divine King, I earnestly laid before Him the spiritual needs of our country. Then He, communicating Himself further to me, told me that He entrusted the country of France to my care, appointing me as its ambassador, so that I could negotiate about terms of peace with Him. He said that to acquit myself of this important post, I must in great humility remain at His feet in the Most Blessed Sacrament, praying for our country and for the establishment of the Work of Reparation.
He next instructed me to examine seriously the weighty role an ambassador must fulfill, warning me to remember that when such an ambassador leaves a country, it is the signal for war, and that therefore I must not voluntarily retire from His presence in the Blessed Sacrament, but at least in spirit remain there in the name of France.
I, therefore, answered Him by saying, “My God, I have given myself entirely to you for the accomplishment of Your designs. Do in me as You will.” Accepting the obligations which God had now imposed on me I begged Him to make me worthy of His designs or, better still, to accomplish Himself His Will within me.
As for this adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, for several days now, our Lord keeps me so united to Him in the Eucharist, that even on leaving the choir to attend to my various duties, I am in spirit uninterruptedly at the foot of the altar where I leave my heart. Thus, no matter in which part of the house I find myself, I am always in sight of Him, keeping Him company. Such is the interior exercise which our Lord asks of me, for it is His Will that I remain ever before the Blessed Sacrament, in the name of our country, praying for it continuously.
The Golden Arrow, the Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter p. 139-14

Reflection: Sister Marie de St. Pierre received many of her mystical revelations immediately after receiving our King of Kings in Holy Communion. When our blessed time is upon us to receive Him in the Communion line, let us take that precious moment (that we have absolutely no guarantee will ever be repeated) to respond to the words of the priest who proclaims, “The Body of Christ,” with the “Amen” of both our lips and our eyes, by intentionally fixing our gaze and adoring the hidden Face of Jesus in the Sacred Host as the priest presents our Lord to us. Let us never forget the words of St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta (my paraphrase), “Let us always receive Jesus as if this is our first Holy Communion, our only Holy Communion, and our last Holy Communion.” Those sacred few minutes back in the pews are a sure call to reverence, doing our utmost to quiet down our hearts & minds to listen to whatever our King wishes to impart to us: “Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening”. We can take Sr. Marie de St. Pierre as our model, offering our souls for His dominion, that He may accomplish His Divine Will in us, and in reparation for the manifold crimes for which our nation is guilty. By today’s revelation, we cannot fail to see that these crimes by individual countries are grave in the eyes of our Lord. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church para. 2240 makes reference to the words of the Apostle Paul who “exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for kings and all who exercise authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.” This is under the prescriptions for obeying the 4th Commandment. We are therefore on the hook to pray for our leaders to stop offending our Lord’s Divine Majesty & Holy Mother Church, to restore our country to the culture of life and to a nation of peace, to be the leaders after our Lord’s own Heart! Let us strive to form the habit of emulating the piety of Sr. Marie to keep our Lord company in our souls not only after Holy Communion, but also throughout the day, often calling to our mind’s eye, the hidden Face of our King in the Sacred Host, so that we remain united to Him spiritually, listening for His still small voice in our hearts beckoning us to offer prayers of reparation according to His will.
the littlest wren

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Revelation to Sr. Marie de Saint Pierre of February 27, 1844

Standing in the Breach:

The following is what transpired in my soul today after Holy Communion. Our Lord told me to receive Him in the Sacred Host as King, and to offer Him my soul for His dominion. He then urged me to present myself before Him in the name of our nation, as an ambassador offering Him my Communion in the spirit of reparation for the crimes of which our nation is guilty, particularly those against the Divine Majesty, and those against holy Church.
Having received this Divine King, I earnestly laid before Him the spiritual needs of our country. Then He, communicating Himself further to me, told me that He entrusted the country of France to my care, appointing me as its ambassador, so that I could negotiate about terms of peace with Him. He said that to acquit myself of this important post, I must in great humility remain at His feet in the Most Blessed Sacrament, praying for our country and for the establishment of the Work of Reparation.
He next instructed me to examine seriously the weighty role an ambassador must fulfill, warning me to remember that when such an ambassador leaves a country, it is the signal for war, and that therefore I must not voluntarily retire from His presence in the Blessed Sacrament, but at least in spirit remain there in the name of France.
I, therefore, answered Him by saying, “My God, I have given myself entirely to you for the accomplishment of Your designs. Do in me as You will.” Accepting the obligations which God had now imposed on me I begged Him to make me worthy of His designs or, better still, to accomplish Himself His Will within me.
As for this adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, for several days now, our Lord keeps me so united to Him in the Eucharist, that even on leaving the choir to attend to my various duties, I am in spirit uninterruptedly at the foot of the altar where I leave my heart. Thus, no matter in which part of the house I find myself, I am always in sight of Him, keeping Him company. Such is the interior exercise which our Lord asks of me, for it is His Will that I remain ever before the Blessed Sacrament, in the name of our country, praying for it continuously.
The Golden Arrow, the Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter p. 139-14

Reflection: Sister Marie de St. Pierre received many of her mystical revelations immediately after receiving our King of Kings in Holy Communion. When our blessed time is upon us to receive Him in the Communion line, let us take that precious moment (that we have absolutely no guarantee will ever be repeated) to respond to the words of the priest who proclaims, “The Body of Christ,” with the “Amen” of both our lips and our eyes, by intentionally fixing our gaze and adoring the hidden Face of Jesus in the Sacred Host as the priest presents our Lord to us. Let us never forget the words of St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta (my paraphrase), “Let us always receive Jesus as if this is our first Holy Communion, our only Holy Communion, and our last Holy Communion.” Those sacred few minutes back in the pews are a sure call to reverence, doing our utmost to quiet down our hearts & minds to listen to whatever our King wishes to impart to us: “Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening”. We can take Sr. Marie de St. Pierre as our model, offering our souls for His dominion, that He may accomplish His Divine Will in us, and in reparation for the manifold crimes for which our nation is guilty. By today’s revelation, we cannot fail to see that these crimes by individual countries are grave in the eyes of our Lord. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church para. 2240 makes reference to the words of the Apostle Paul who “exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for kings and all who exercise authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.” This is under the prescriptions for obeying the 4th Commandment. We are therefore on the hook to pray for our leaders to stop offending our Lord’s Divine Majesty & Holy Mother Church, to restore our country to the culture of life and to a nation of peace, to be the leaders after our Lord’s own Heart! Let us strive to form the habit of emulating the piety of Sr. Marie to keep our Lord company in our souls not only after Holy Communion, but also throughout the day, often calling to our mind’s eye, the hidden Face of our King in the Sacred Host, so that we remain united to Him spiritually, listening for His still small voice in our hearts beckoning us to offer prayers of reparation according to His will.
the littlest wren

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