March 15, 1844 Our Lord revealed the following to Sister Marie De Saint Pierre
“You cannot understand,” He said to her one day, “the malice and abomination of this sin. If my justice were not restrained by my mercy it would instantly crush the guilty, and all creatures, even inanimate ones, would rise up to avenge my outraged honor.” “After this,” the Sister adds,” he showed me the excellence of the Work of Reparation; how it surpasses all other devotions, is agreeable to God, to the angels, the saints, and is useful to the Church. Ah! If you knew the degree of glory you acquire in making but a single act of Reparation for blasphemy, in saying only once, in the spirit of Reparation, ‘Admirable is the Name of God’!”
Sr. Marie De Saint Pierre Composed the 24 Acts of Reparation!
Begin with the Magnificat, (Lk 1: 46-55)
My soul proclaims the greatness the Lord, My spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has come to the help of His servant Israel for He remembered His promise of mercy, the promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and His children forever.
- In union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the holy heart of Mary: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the glorious Saint Joseph: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with St. John the Baptist: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Seraphim: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Cherubim: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Thrones: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Dominations: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Virtues: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Powers: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Principalities: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Archangels: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Angels: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the seven Spirits which are before the throne of God and the twenty four ancients: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Patriarchs: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Prophets: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of the Apostles, and the four Evangelists: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of Martyrs: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of holy Pontiffs: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of holy Confessors: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of holy Virgins: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the choir of holy Women: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with all the heavenly Court: Come let us adore the admirable Name of God which is above every name.
- In union with the whole Church and in the name of all men: Come, let us adore the admirable Name of God, which is above every name, and let us prostrate ourselves before it. Let us weep in the presence of the God who has made us, because He is the Lord our God; we are His people and the sheep which He Himself leads to His pastures. Amen.
(Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face 1887)
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