To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Oh adorable Face of my Jesus, humbly prostrate in Thy divine presence, I desire to consecrate myself wholly to Thee and henceforth to live only for Thee. Why have I not at my disposal, the hearts of all creatures, in order to offer them up as a holocaust to Thee? Alas! oh well beloved Face, I have only my own, unworthy as it is of Thy attention and often rebelling against the movements of Thy grace; nevertheless, I give it to Thee, my poor heart, and I consecrate it to Thee, in order that, from this moment and during all the days of my life, it may be inflamed with the holy ardour of Thy divine love. Purify it, warm it with the blessed rays of Thy eternal light, so that I may henceforth exclaim with the prophet king: “Lord, the light of Thy Face is engraved upon us; Thou hast caused joy to spring forth in my heart.”( Ps. iv, 7. )

I offer Thee then this day, deliberately and with great joy, the sacrifice of all the delights which may be offered me on earth. Accept, oh adorable Face, oh Thou whom I love more than aught else in the world, accept the homage of myself, which I present to Thee at this moment. I thrill with gladness and with love, whilst thus consecrating to Thee the whole of my being. Yes, I offer and consecrate to Thee my heart, my body, my soul, my spirit, and my life; my heart, to love only Thee, O beauty ever ancient and ever new; my body, to serve as an instrument of reparation and of all that belongs to Thy glory; my soul, to reflect unceasingly the image of Thy different graces; my spirit, to think only upon Thee, and upon all that will tend to spread devotion to Thee; my life, my whole life, in order that it may be penetrated with Thy sweet memory, and filled with actions worthy Thy Name, so that I may one day merit that life eternal, in which, according to the expression of Thy apostle, I may contemplate Thee, no longer as in an enigma and through a mirror, but face to face, and as Thou art. Whilst waiting until His supreme grace shall be accorded to me, O Holy Face of Jesus, make me walk here below in the light of Thy benign eyes, that when I shall appear before Thee, Thou mayest name me by my name, Thou mayest kiss me with the kiss of Thy mouth, and Thou mayest introduce me into the immortal society of the blessed who are occupied without ceasing in contemplating Thee, praising Thee, adoring Thee, and eternally singing Thy mercies.


(1887 Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face)

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Consecration of ourselves to the Holy Face

Oh adorable Face of my Jesus, humbly prostrate in Thy divine presence, I desire to consecrate myself wholly to Thee and henceforth to live only for Thee. Why have I not at my disposal, the hearts of all creatures, in order to offer them up as a holocaust to Thee? Alas! oh well beloved Face, I have only my own, unworthy as it is of Thy attention and often rebelling against the movements of Thy grace; nevertheless, I give it to Thee, my poor heart, and I consecrate it to Thee, in order that, from this moment and during all the days of my life, it may be inflamed with the holy ardour of Thy divine love. Purify it, warm it with the blessed rays of Thy eternal light, so that I may henceforth exclaim with the prophet king: “Lord, the light of Thy Face is engraved upon us; Thou hast caused joy to spring forth in my heart.”( Ps. iv, 7. )

I offer Thee then this day, deliberately and with great joy, the sacrifice of all the delights which may be offered me on earth. Accept, oh adorable Face, oh Thou whom I love more than aught else in the world, accept the homage of myself, which I present to Thee at this moment. I thrill with gladness and with love, whilst thus consecrating to Thee the whole of my being. Yes, I offer and consecrate to Thee my heart, my body, my soul, my spirit, and my life; my heart, to love only Thee, O beauty ever ancient and ever new; my body, to serve as an instrument of reparation and of all that belongs to Thy glory; my soul, to reflect unceasingly the image of Thy different graces; my spirit, to think only upon Thee, and upon all that will tend to spread devotion to Thee; my life, my whole life, in order that it may be penetrated with Thy sweet memory, and filled with actions worthy Thy Name, so that I may one day merit that life eternal, in which, according to the expression of Thy apostle, I may contemplate Thee, no longer as in an enigma and through a mirror, but face to face, and as Thou art. Whilst waiting until His supreme grace shall be accorded to me, O Holy Face of Jesus, make me walk here below in the light of Thy benign eyes, that when I shall appear before Thee, Thou mayest name me by my name, Thou mayest kiss me with the kiss of Thy mouth, and Thou mayest introduce me into the immortal society of the blessed who are occupied without ceasing in contemplating Thee, praising Thee, adoring Thee, and eternally singing Thy mercies.


(1887 Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face)

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