To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Almighty and Eternal Father, in Your great mercy, You have provided mankind in these times of insult, defiance and indignation towards your Holy Name, the remedy to repair and restore poor sinners to the Image and Likeness of Your Godhead, namely through reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus.  Behold, O Lord, the Face of Your Christ, wounded profusely through the transgressions against Your first three Commandments, and profoundly in His five senses, which outrage Your Majesty and Divinity.  Permit us Heavenly Father to embrace the office of the pious Veronica, courageously breaking through the mobs of our times, offering our veils of Adoration to wipe from His Sacred Face the Blood of Divine Love, and the spittle of human hate. In the Holy Name of Jesus, grant that our prayers of reparation through the intercession of Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, and St. Joseph, Terror of demons and Patron of Canada may disarm Your Justice, O God, obtain mercy and reversion for the guilty, and bring about the Triumph of Holy Mother Church.  Amen.

Composed by St. Joseph`s Missionaries of the Holy Face.

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Reparation to the Holy Face for Canada

Almighty and Eternal Father, in Your great mercy, You have provided mankind in these times of insult, defiance and indignation towards your Holy Name, the remedy to repair and restore poor sinners to the Image and Likeness of Your Godhead, namely through reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus.  Behold, O Lord, the Face of Your Christ, wounded profusely through the transgressions against Your first three Commandments, and profoundly in His five senses, which outrage Your Majesty and Divinity.  Permit us Heavenly Father to embrace the office of the pious Veronica, courageously breaking through the mobs of our times, offering our veils of Adoration to wipe from His Sacred Face the Blood of Divine Love, and the spittle of human hate. In the Holy Name of Jesus, grant that our prayers of reparation through the intercession of Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Intercessors, and St. Joseph, Terror of demons and Patron of Canada may disarm Your Justice, O God, obtain mercy and reversion for the guilty, and bring about the Triumph of Holy Mother Church.  Amen.

Composed by St. Joseph`s Missionaries of the Holy Face.

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