February 2nd, 1844. “For several weeks past, I have experienced nothing extraordinary as regards the work of Reparation; yet Our Lord keeps me in union with him to glorify his Father, to repair the outrages offered him and to pray that his Name may be sanctified. But today, feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, it was my turn to receive the holy communion of vow.”
The sister has already mentioned this “Vow.” Mother Mary of the Incarnation had made a vow for the necessities of the monastery when a change of locality was in question. The terms of this vow were, that for the space of one year, two of the religious in turn according to rank, would pray every day for the accomplishment of the designs of the Sacred Heart, in order to draw down a special benediction on the community.
“It was my turn, to communicate”, continues the sister, “and my good Master desired, notwithstanding my unworthiness, to manifest himself to my soul. Previous to the last occasion on which he addressed me, he was full of wrath against France, and I listened to his words with trembling and fear, and wept bitterly. But today, I was inundated with joy, when he made known the pleasure experienced by his Divine Heart at the sight of the zeal and good-will manifested by his children toward the growing association. As his Holy Mother had adopted the arch-confraternity for the conversion of sinners, so had he taken under his protection that of the Reparation ; these two associations were to act in concert, the latter, to repair the outrages committed against God, the former to obtain pardon for these outrages, the one through Jesus, the other through Mary. But Our Lord gave me to understand that the association which he wished to establish in France had two objects in view: first, the reparation of blasphemy uttered against God; second, the sanctification of his Holy Name on the Lord’s Day; consequently, the extirpation of blasphemy and the prohibition of manual labor on Sunday. Blasphemy and the violation of the Lord’s Day are the principal sins which provoke the anger of God against France.”
“To the rules and regulations prescribed by the association at Rome, there are others added to the one established in France; for instance, that the members should perform no manual labor, nor allow others to labor, and to contribute with all their might to the prevention of all kinds of manual labor on the days prohibited. Our Lord desires first, that this association be placed under the patronage of St. Martin, St. Louis and St. Michael; second, that each member recite daily a Pater, Ave, and Gloria Patri, followed by the act of praise which he gave me under the title of “The Golden Arrow,” with an invocation to the holy patrons; but on Sundays and Holydays they should recite all the prayers of Reparation, in expiation for the outrages committed against God on these holy days and to obtain mercy for the guilty. I beheld this association under the figure of an army of valiant soldiers, hastening to join their Chief, to defend the glory of his Father. He wished that their name should correspond to the nobility of their undertaking, and for this reason, that they should bear the title of, ‘Defenders of the Holy Name of God.’ He also gave me to understand that each member should wear a badge in the form of a cross, bearing on one side Sit nomen Domini benedictum, and on the other Vade retro, Satana. That he would give to this heavenly device a secret virtue to combat against the demon of blasphemy; that every time a member heard a blasphemy uttered, he should repeat the words written on this cross, and in this manner to wage war against Satan, thus glorifying God.”
Our Lord manifested to me, that the devil would make use of every means in his power to crush this work from the beginning. I felt as though I could shed even the last drop of my blood for so holy an association. Our Lord told me also that he had said nothing to me for a long time, because it was not necessary; that he did nothing undesignedly, but that it was expedient to give me this information to-day. He called my attention to the difference existing between the Association of France and that of Rome, on account of the violation of the Lord’s Day.(1)
(1)from the life of Sister Mary of Saint Peter by M Labbe Janvier
On the anniversary of the Feast day of the Presentation of our Lord in 1847, which commemorated the entrance of the 40 day old infant Jesus into the Temple manifesting Himself as the “Light of the world,” from His Mother’s arms, our Lord brings Sr. Marie de St. Pierre untold joy after she received Him in the Holy Eucharist. Our Lord expressed that His Divine Heart was full of pleasure in regards to those who had taken up the devotion of reparation. How much joy then, should we feel on this First Friday of February, 2024 as we make reparation to both His Sacred Heart and His Holy Face, knowing that we are giving our Lord similar pleasure! How providential that the once thriving arch-confraternity dedicated to the conversion of sinners under the patronage of our Blessed Mother is mentioned, on this particular eve of First Saturday. These three devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Holy Face work in concert, as they are all about reparation and conversion.
With Sunday two short days away, and for each and every Sunday, we must endeavour with great fervour to encourage others to abstain from all unnecessary work. That way, we can all fully give our Lord the worship due to Him while defending the glory of our Heavenly Father. Let us rise up anew as defenders of His Holy Name, making reparation either publicly, or in the silence of our hearts (Sit nomen Domini benedictum – Blessed be the name of the Lord!) for the horrific blasphemy that is constantly assaulting our ears. Let us always immediately squash any fear that “old red legs” plants in our hearts to shrink from doing so!
The littlest wren