Category: Prayers to the Holy Face

  • O my Jesus! Cast upon us a look of mercy; turn Thy Face towards each one of us, even as Thou didst turn to Veronica, not that we may see it with the eyes of our body, for we do not deserve to do so, but turn it towards our hearts, that, being sustained by Thee, we may ever draw from that powerful source, the vigour necessary to enable us to wage the combats we have to undergo.

    (1887 Manual of Archconfraternity of the Holy Face)

    Pope Pius was beatified in 2000.

  • The 100 Offerings of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His Eternal Father (Our Lord revealed to Sr. Marie de Saint Pierre this prayer was ;like building a wall of Protection)

    Thirty-three Offerings of Jesus Christ in His Infancy and Hidden Life

    1. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, Incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary for the salvation of men.
    2. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, sanctifying St. John the Baptist in the womb of His mother, St. Elizabeth.
    3. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, a captive for nine months in the chaste womb of His Blessed Mother.
    4. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, rejected by the inhabitants of Bethlehem.
    5. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, coming forth from the womb of His Mother and born in a poor stable.
    6. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, wrapped in swaddling-clothes and laid in a manger.
    7. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, trembling with cold and warmed by the breath of an ox and a donkey.
    8. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, weeping for our sins in the manger.
    9. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, by the hands of Mary and St. Joseph, for the salvation of the world
    10. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, nursed by Mary.
    11. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, adored by angels in the stable of Bethlehem.
    12. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, adored by the poor shepherds.
    13. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, circumcised and named Jesus, beginning to fulfill the office of Savior in offering Thee the first-fruits of His Blood.
    14. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, receiving the gifts and adorations of the Magi.
    15. Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that Jesus has rendered Thee during the forty days He dwelt in the stable of Bethlehem.
    16. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, brought to the Temple by Mary and Joseph, and received with great joy by the holy old man Simeon and the prophetess Anna.
    17. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, who offers Himself to Thy Divine justice to be the repairer of Thy outraged glory and the holy victim of sinners.
    18. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, fleeing into Egypt to avoid the murderous hand of Herod.
    19. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, poor and unknown in His exile, but tenderly loved and profoundly adored by Mary, Joseph, and the angels.
    20. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, carried in the arms of Mary and Joseph and submitting to all the trials of infancy.
    21. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, nursed by His Divine Mother for fifteen months.
    22. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the first steps, the first words, the first actions of Thy Divine Son Jesus.
    23. Eternal Father, I offer Thee all that Jesus suffered the seven years of His exile in Egypt.
    24. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, returning to Nazareth between Mary and Joseph.
    25. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, growing in age and in wisdom before God and men.
    26. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, conducted to the Temple at the age of twelve years to celebrate the Passover.
    27. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, remaining three days in the Temple in the midst of the Doctors of the Law, and filling them with admiration.
    28. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, found by Mary and Joseph, returning to Nazareth, and being perfectly submissive to them.
    29. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, hiding His glory in the workshop of St. Joseph, and seeming to be only a carpenter.
    30. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, working for His support by the sweat of His brow.
    31. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, assisting St. Joseph during His last illness and at the hour of His death.
    32. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, consoling Mary, His Blessed Mother, for the death of her holy spouse.
    33. Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that Jesus has rendered Thee during the thirty-three years of His hidden and laborious life, also all the merits He has acquired for us.

    Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that our Divine Saviour Jesus has rendered Thee during the thirty years of His hidden and laborious life, and all the merits He has acquired for us from the moment of His Divine Incarnation until His evangelical Life. I make this offering for thehonor and glory of Thy Holy Name, in reparation for the indignities offered our Savior; finally, for the wants of the Holy Church, the Salvation of France (or the country you are praying for), and the Work of Reparation.

    Thirty-three Offerings of Jesus in His Evangelical Life

    1. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, baptized in the river Jordan by St. John the Baptist.
    2. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, led by the Spirit into the desert, and suffering there hunger and thirst.
    3. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, spending His nights in the desert among wild beasts.
    4. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, passing days and nights in prayer, watering the ground with His Divine tears, in expiation for our sins.
    5. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, tempted by the evil spirit to change stones into bread.
    6. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, carried by Satan to the top of the Temple, and tempted by this evil spirit to cast Himself down.
    7. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, carried by Satan to the top of a high mountain with the promise of all the kingdoms of the world.
    8. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, triumphing over the temptations of the evil spirit and confronting him with the words of Holy Scripture.
    9. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, in the desert taking the food ministered by the angels.
    10. Eternal Father, I Thee all the glory that Jesus has rendered Thee in the desert and all the merits He has acquired for us.
    11. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, coming forth from the desert and going to make known to His Blessed Mother the mission He was about to commence.
    12. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, choosing poor fishermen for His Apostles.
    13. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, going from city to city, from town to town, preaching everywhere the Kingdom of God, and making known His Divine Father.
    14. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, followed by immense crowds even to the desert.
    15. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, multiplying the loaves and fishes to feed the multitude.
    16. Eternal Father, I Offer Thee Jesus, consoling the afflicted.
    17. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, curing the sick and raising the dead.
    18. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, driving out the evil spirit from those who were possessed.
    19. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, giving sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.
    20. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, curing the lame and making the dumb to speak.
    21. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, converting sinners and doing good to all.
    22. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, weeping for the death of Lazarus and raising Him to life.
    23. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, converting Mary Magdalene.
    24. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, weary by the wayside and seated on Jacob’s Well.
    25. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, asking drink of the Samaritan woman, converting her, and making known to her that He was the promised Messiah.
    26. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, confounding His enemies with an admirable wisdom when they presented before Him a woman taken in adultery.
    27. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, driving the sellers out of the Temple.
    28. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, transfigured on Mt. Tabor, conversing with Moses and Elias on the greatness of the sorrows of His Passion.
    29. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, embracing and blessing little children, bidding us to become as one of them to enter the Kingdom Of Heaven.
    30. Eternal Father, l offer Thee Jesus, entering the city of Jerusalem in triumph, and received as a King by the people.
    31. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, weeping for the sins of Jerusalem.
    32. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus alone and abandoned, obliged on the evening of the Feast to seek the hospitality of Martha and Mary, at Bethany.
    33. Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that Jesus has rendered Thee during the three years of His Divine preachings.

    Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that Jesus, our Divine Savior, has rendered Thee, all the infinite merits He has acquired for us from the moment of His evangelical life until His Passion. I make this offering for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name, to repair the outrages offered our Divine Savior; finally, for the wants of the Holy Church, the salvation of France (or country you are praying for), and the extension of the Work of Reparation.

    Thirty-Four Offerings of Jesus in His Suffering and Glorious Life

    1. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver by the traitor Judas.
    2. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, taking His Last Supper with His Apostles.
    3. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, humbling Himself unto washing the feet of His Apostles.
    4. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, instituting the adorable Sacrament of the Eucharist and ordaining His Apostles priests of the New Law.
    5. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, praying and in an agony in the Garden of Olives.
    6. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, suffering in His Divine Heart all the sorrows of His Passion and watering the earth with a profuse sweat of blood.
    7. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, sorrowful unto death in the Garden of Olives, burdened with all the sins of the world, and accepting the chalice from Thy Hand.
    8. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, betrayed and kissed by the perfidious Judas, delivering Himself up to His enemies to be bound and blindfolded for our sins.
    9. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, abandoned by His disciples, maltreated and outraged by the soldiers, and led to the house of the high-priest Annas.
    10. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, interrogated and receiving a blow from a servant.
    11. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, conducted to the house of Caiaphas and accused by false witnesses.
    12. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, treated as a blasphemer because He declared to His enemies that He was the Son of God.
    13. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, despised, struck, and spit upon during that horrible night, and treated as the vilest slave.
    14. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, conducted in chains to Pilate’s house.
    15. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, led to the court of Herod and despised by that impious king.
    16. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, reconducted to the house of Pilate, treated with contempt and humiliations on the streets of Jerusalem by a nation which He had overwhelmed with benefits.
    17. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, tied to the column and torn by the stripes of the scourge.
    18. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, covered with wounds and blood, trampled upon by His executioners.
    19. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, arrayed as a mock-king, crowned with thorns, robed in a scarlet mantle, His arms tied, and a reed for a scepter in His hand.
    20. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, outraged, despised, and then shown to the people.
    21. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, rejected by His people, who with loud voices demanded His death and preferred to Him an infamous thief, Barabbas.
    22. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, condemned by Pilate to the death of the Cross.
    23. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, given over to an insolent multitude, who vent upon this sweet Lamb, so meek and humble of Heart, all that the darkest malice could devise.
    24. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, going forth from Pilate’s hall between the two thieves, carrying the Cross upon His Divine Shoulders, bruised and bleeding.
    25. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, exhausted by fatigue, falling several times under the heavy burden of His Cross, beaten and overwhelmed with injurious treatment by His executioners.
    26. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus on the summit of Calvary, despoiled of His garments and extending Himself on the tree of the Cross as a Lamb without stain.
    27. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, nailed with heavy blows of the hammer to the Cross.
    28. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, suspended for three hours between heaven and earth, satiated with revilings, partaking of gall and vinegar, and tasting with delight the intensity of interior and exterior sufferings.
    29. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, asking forgiveness for His executioners, granting pardon to the good thief, and giving us His most Blessed Mother.
    30. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, consummating His sacrifice and yielding up His Holy Soul into Thy Hands, uttering a loud cry to call all sinners to Him, inclining His Head to give them the kiss of peace and the last sigh of His Heart.
    31. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, His Heart pierced by a lance, His Sacred Body covered with wounds and blood, taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of His Divine Mother.
    32. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, embalmed and shrouded by His Holy Mother, assisted by His faithful friends; then carried to the sepulchre and remaining therein three days, as He had foretold.
    33. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, rising victorious from the tomb and visiting His Blessed Mother. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, appearing to His Apostles and the holy women for their consolation and instruction, gloriously ascending to heaven in their presence forty days after His Resurrection.
    34. Eternal Father, I offer Thee Jesus, appearing to His Apostles and the holy women for their consolation in their presence forty days after His Resurrection.

    Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the glory that Jesus Christ, our Divine Savior, has rendered Thee, as well as all the merits He has acquired for us during His sorrowful and glorious life. I make this offering for the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name, in reparation for the indignities offered to our Savior — in fine, for the needs of the Holy Church, for the salvation of France (or the country you are praying for) and the entire world, and for the extension of the Work of Reparation.

    This is My well-beloved Son, in whom I am, well pleased. Hear ye Him.

    In truth I say to thee that all thou wilt ask the Father in My Name He will grant.

    Ask, and thou shall receive.

    (Taken From Manual of the Holy Face A.M.P) Our Lord gave me to behold a mysterious wall protecting France against the arrow of divine justice. He gave me to understand that this wall which reached up to Heaven, was the exercise which I practiced each day joined no doubt to the prayers and merits offered to God by so many souls for the salvation of France. This exercise consists in presenting the Face of Jesus a Hundred to His Father, in honour of all mysteries of the life and death of the Divine Saviour and in offering these merits of each of these mysteries for the Salvation of France. (Sister Marie De Saint Pierre)

  • Shortly after the miracle of 1849 in Rome. Two linens of the copied engravings of the Veil of Veronica were sent to M. DuPont . He hung one of the Linens in his office and kept a burning oil lamp under it a sign of reverence to our Lord. Many visitors would come to his office with many different ailments. M. DuPont would have them anoint themselves with the oil then say various prayers of reparation. The result was over 6000 documented miracles. The miracles continued for 30 years! They became so numerous that Pope Pius IX declared Leo DuPont to be perhaps the greatest miracle worker in Church history. The prayers that were said before this sorrowful picture of Jesus are the prayers in the Archconfraternity Manual of the Holy Face “the Formulae”or the “Golden Arrow” prayer and the Litany of the Holy Face. (see the Formulae at bottom of page: as taken from the Archconfraternity Manual)

    24 Jan 1797 – 18 March 1876

    Prayers to the Holy Face Extracted from the writings of Venerable Leo Dupont.

    I. –Elevation of the heart to Jesus,upon the outrages offered, to His Holy Face.

    Who can say how greatly our divine Saviour is offended by blasphemy! Placed as he is between his Father and sinners, the outrages which cannot rise as high as Heaven fall in a rain of ignominy upon his divine Face.

    O Jesus ! Thou must be God, since Thou art patient enough still to remain in our midst! If Thou couldst but find a sufficiency of friends possessed of the courage to interpose between Thee and the miserable people w h o conduct Thee back to Calvary !

    But, as on the day of Thy Passion, Thou art alone amongst Thy enemies. Alas! do we not run the risk of losing all, if, illuminated by the light of faith which enables us to see what Thou art O Jesus ! do we not at least imitate the witnesses of Thy death in their lively contrition? If it be not given to all of us to weep like Saint Peter, grant that we may strike our breasts like the populace which returned to Jerusalem distracted with grief at recognizing the proof of a deicide.

    O Holy Ghost! Thou who didst enlighten the Apostles and didst reanimate their courage so energetically, inflame us with Thy divine fire, put into our mouths burning words after having enkindled in our hearts the fire of Thy love, that becoming new men, we may feel ourselves possessed of sufficient courage to throw ourselves into the midst of the ranks of the enemy. Give us grace to vanquish them and to oblige them to love Thee. Amen.

    II. -Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face.

    Lord Jesus! after having contemplated Thy features, disfigured by grief; after having meditated upon Thy Passion with compunction and love, how can our hearts help being inflamed with a holy hatred of sin, which even now, still outrages Thy adorable Face? But, not allowing ourselves to be content with mere compassion, give us grace to follow Thee so closely on this new Calvary, that the opprobrium destined for Thee may rebound upon us, O Jesus, and that we may at least have some small share in the expiation of sin. Amen.

    III. — Offering- of the Holy Face to the Eternal Father.

    Almighty God, Eternal Father, contemplate the Face of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. W e present it to Thee with confidence for the glory of Thy Holy Name, for the exaltation of Thy holy Church, and for the salvation of the world. Most merciful Advocate, he opens his mouth to plead our cause; listen to his cries, behold his tears,O my God, and Thou wilt be touched with compassion towards the poor sinners who ask of Thee grace and mercy. Amen.

    IV— Prayer to the Holy Face for the feast of the Dedication.

    O God ! who on the day of the dedication of the Temple, in an effusion of merciful goodness, didst promise to listen, from the height of heaven, to those who should invoke Thy Name, and who should seek Thy Face; grant to the associates of the Work of Reparation of blasphemy, prostrate before Thy adorable Face, the graces of which they have need in order efficaciously to work out their own salvation and to convert the blasphemers themselves, for whom Thy holy Name is invoked with confidence.Thou, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

    V. -Aspiration towards the glorious Face of our Lord.

    Lord! at the thought of the blessings which the vision of Thy Face could not but shed upon the earth, the Prophet exclaims in a holy transport : “Happy the people who joyfully declare Thy glory…” O Lord! permit us to aspire to this divine science, grant us to walk in the light of Thy Face, and to rejoice in the praises which w e will offer by day and night to Thy holy Name.

    (Ps. LXXXVIII, 15, 16, 17.)

    Prayers of M. Dupont

    O Saviour Jesus ! at the sight of Thy most Holy Face, disfigured by grief, and at the sight of Thy Sacred Heart so full of love, I cry out with Saint Augustine: Lord Jesus, impress upon my heart Thy sacred wounds, that I may read therein at once Thy sorrow and Thy love ; Thy sorrow, in order to suffer every affliction for Thee; Thy love, in order for Thee to despise every other love. Amen.

    Lord Jesus! when presenting ourselves before Thy adorable Face to entreat Thee for the graces of which we have need, we beseech Thee, above all things, so to order the interior dispositions of our hearts, that we may never refuse Thee aught that Thou Thyself askest of us every day, through Thy holy commandments and by Thy divine inspirations. Amen.

    O good Jesus, who hast said: “Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you,” give us, if it be Thy will, the faith which supplies all, or else supply Thyself all that is wanting in us of faith; grant us, by the sole effect of Thy charily and for Thy eternal glory, the graces of which we stand in need and which we look for from Thine infinite mercy. Amen.

    Be merciful to us, O my God! do not reject our prayers, when, in the midst of our afflictions, we call upon Thy holy Name and seek with love and confidence Thy adorable Face. Amen.

    We thank Thee, 0 Lord, for all Thy benefits, and w e entreat Thee to engrave in our hearts feelings of love and of gratitude, putting upon our lips songs of thanksgiving to Thy eternal praise. Amen.

    Formulae; Which Mr. DuPont used when Anointing the Sick With Oil

    Unctiones sanitatis conficiat et perficiat ipse Deus. In nomine Patris, etc.

    In English. May the Lord himself deign, together with us, to anoint this sick person and to restore him to health. In the name of the Father, etc.

    Or else : May the holy Names of Jesus, of Mary and of Joseph be known , blessed and glorified throughout the whole earth. Amen.

    Or else: Crux sacra, sit tibi lux et sanitas, benedictio et voluntas Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Amen.

  • 0 well beloved Face of Jesus! Humbly prostrate in Thy presence, we adore Thee for those who refuse to adore Thee; we love Thee and we pray to Thee, for those who refuse to love Thee and who blaspheme Thee. Unhappy madmen! If they knew Thee better, with what repentance and confusion would they turn towards Thee, how they would seek to make compensation to Thee for all which Thou hast suffered for them!

    The audacity of impiety has increased, a clamour issuing from hell has been raised for the purpose of denying Thy divinity and outraging the Church, a diabolical pact has been formed against God and against his Christ. It is for us, faithful Christians, to close our ranks under the banner of the Holy Face, to multiply our phalanx of reparation, to offer to Jesus, as did Veronica, the veil of our love and of our veneration. We need no longer, 0 merciful Face, envy the happiness of that heroic woman; by a redoublement of faith, of fervour and of zeal, we may, like her, wipe Thy tears away, staunch Thy blood, and solace Thy sufferings.

    0 sacred Face! Permit us to weep over the crimes of our erring brethren. Enable us to repair, by our sighs and our love, the attempts made against Thy divinity. Ah! We attest that divinity which has its habitation in Thee, with our whole heart; and if, in order to maintain it, the sacrifice of our life were necessary, we would joyously make an offering of it to Thee.

    0 well beloved Face! Let Thy eyes of mercy and compassion rest upon us. Pardon this deicidal century, which refuses to bend its proud head to Thy sovereign authority. Dissipate, by the light of Thy presence, the darkness which envelopes us, and which, if it were not for Thee, would drag us down into the still deeper darkness of death. Convert the blasphemers, bring back to the light of faith the ignorant and incredulous, console the just, strengthen the weak, and grant that all, with one accent of faith and love, may exclaim with the Prophet; “Now, Lord, we follow Thee with our whole heart, we fear Thee and we seek after Thy adorable Face.“ (Dan. III, 41.)

    (Manual of the Holy Face 1887)

  • By a Rescript dated 27th of January 1853. His Holiness Pope Pius IX grants to all who recite, with a contrite heart, these prayers in honor Of the Face of Jesus Christ an indulgence of a hundred days for each time applicable to the souls in Purgatory.

    Prayer I

    I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee. 0 Jesus, my Savior, outraged anew by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the angels, and saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen.

    Pater, Ave, Gloria (Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be)

    Prayer II

    I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee. 0 adorable Face of Jesus, my Beloved, Noble Seal of the Divinity; with all the powers of my soul I apply myself to Thee, and most humbly pray Thee to imprint in us all the features of Thy Divine likeness. Amen.

    Prayer III

    O adorable Face of my Jesus, so mercifully bowed down upon the tree of the Cross, on the day of Thy Passion for the salvation of men, now again, incline in Thy Pity towards us poor sinners; cast upon us a look of compassion, and receive us to the kiss Of peace. Amen.

    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Amen.

    Sit nomen Domini benedictum! Amen.

    From the Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face p 154-155

    • Lord Jesus, Crucified and Risen; the image of the glory of the Father,
      Holy Face, which looks at us and searches for us, kind and merciful, You who call us to conversion and invite us for the fullness of love, we adore and bless you. In your luminous Face, we learn to love and to be loved, to find freedom and reconciliation, to promote peace, which radiates from you and leads to you.In your glorified Face we learn to overcome every form of egoism, to hope against every hope, to choose works of life against the actions of death. Give us grace to place you at the centre of our life, to remain faithful amidst dangers and the changes of the world, to our Christian vocation; to announce to all people the power of the Cross and the Word which saves; to be watchful and active, to attend the needs of the little ones; to understand the need of true liberation, which had its beginning in you and will have its end in you.Lord, grant to your Church to stand like your Virgin Mother, at the glorious Cross, and at the crosses of all people to bring about consolation, hope and comfort.May the Holy Spirit which you have granted, bring to maturation your work of salvation, through your Holy Face, which shines forever and ever.Amen.

    St. John Paul II “To contemplate the Face of Christ, and to contemplate it with Mary, is the program which I have set before the Church at the dawn of the third millennium…”

  • Oh, my beautiful Immaculate Mother Mary, Queen of Sorrows, I beg thee, by the inexpressible agony thou didst endure at the foot of the Cross, offer to the Eternal Father, in my stead, the Holy Face of Thy Divine Son, my Jesus, covered with blood, wounds, and other indignities heaped upon Him during His Sacred Passion, and beg of Him to grant (here mention the grace or favor you desire). Amen.

  • I adore Thee, and I praise Thee, 0 my divine Jesus, Son of the living God, for all the outrages Thou hast endured for me , who am the most miserable of Thy creatures, in all the sacred members of Thy body, but especially in the most noble part of Thyself, that is to say, in Thy Face. I salute Thee, amiable Face, wounded with blows and scourges, soiled with spittle and disfigured by the evil treatment which the impious Jews caused Thee to suffer. I salute you, 0 lovely eyes! All bathed in the tears you have shed for our salvation. I salute you, sacred ears, tormented by an infinity of blasphemies, injuries and shameful mockings. I salute you, 0 holy mouth! Filled with grace and sweetness towards sinners, and made to drink of vinegar and gall by the monstrous ingratitude of those whom Thou hadst chosen to be Thy people. In reparation for all these ignominies, I offer Thee all the homage which has been rendered Thee in the holy place where Thou hast willed to be honoured by the special devotion to which I unite myself with my whole heart. Amen.

    (1887 Manual of the Holy Face)

    Acts reparation for the sufferings in His Holy Face prayer DOWNLOAD

  • 0 Lord Jesus, after contemplating Thy features, disfigured by anguish, and after meditating upon Thy Passion, how can my heart not be consumed with love for Thee, and hatred for those sins which, even at this day, wound Thy adorable Face? Permit me not, 0 Lord! to feel merely compassion alone; make of me a worthy child of Mary, and accord me the grace, as Thou didst to Thy divine Mother, to follow Thee so closely on this new Calvary, that the insults destined for Thee, 0 Jesus! May fall upon me, a member of Thy Holy Church and cause me to undertake with courage the duty of expiation and of love.


    (1887 Manual of the Holy Face)

  • I present myself before Thy Holy Face, 0 my Saviour, laden with my sins and the penalties which they have brought upon me. My sufferings are far less than what I deserve, for, although I am conscious of the just punishment of my sins, I do not, on that account, cease to commit fresh ones every day. I am bowed down under Thy scourges, and I do not become better; my heart is full of bitterness, and my obstinacy, in doing evil, remains for ever the same. My life passes away in misery, and I do not correct myself. When Thou chastisest me, I make the best promises in the world; as soon as Thou liftest up Thy hand, I forget all that I promised Thee.

    I make to Thee, 0 God! A sincere confession of my sins; I protest in Thy presence, that if Thou do not show mercy upon me, I shall be in danger of perishing utterly. Grant me, my Saviour, what I beg of Thee, although I do not deserve it, since Thou hast of Thy goodness drawn me out of nothingness to put me into a state wherein I can pray to Thee.


    (1887 Manual of the Holy Face)

    “A single tear shed at the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus is worth more than a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or a year of fasting on bread and water.” ~ Saint Augustine

    ( The Following excerpt is taken from the book “The Holy Face In the Documents in the Church” Stefano Pedica, O.S.B.)

    St. Augustine mentions the Lord’s Holy Face so many times that it would merit a separate study. Jesus is beautiful, supremely beautiful: in Heaven, on the earth, in the womb of Mary, in the hands of relatives, beautiful in miracles, beautiful under the scourges. Suppose we should consider the Face of Jesus in the Passion. He is here the example of humility and patience. Jesus, says the Saint, shows great and admirable patience in receiving the kiss of Judas. But is it not perhaps a greater and more excellent example of patience which Jesus gave in receiving and bearing the slap on His Sacred Countenance? He received it for our redemption, therefore Augustine finds therein motives of confidence in this pious prayer which he addresses to Jesus: “Be propitious, I pray Thee, and have pity on me, and turn not Thy Face from me, Thou who in redeeming me didst not turn Thy Face from those who insulted Thee, and spat upon Thee.”

    If we should consider the Face in Its own nature, this predisposes it to the joy of the Beatific Vision.

    St. Augustine’s argument therefore is very strong, so to say, which predisposes the final end to be the vision of God. Now according to modern exegetists the expression : “Facies Dei”-Face of God-does not always have the same significance in Holy Scripture. Augustine distinguishes sharply between “Face of God” and “Face of Christ”.

    The Face of God is the joy of the elect. The Face of Christ is the object of love and desire.

    For what other object can we aspire towards, than the Face of God-the truth? And elsewhere-the Face of God is the power by which He manifests Himself to the worthy, indeed to the just.

    St. Augustine, like all the rest of the Holy Fathers, addresses Christ with the expressions of the Prophets and the Psalms, using at times indiscriminately the expression “Vultum Tuum” and “Faciem Tuam” straight to the Person of the Word, in the same manner that the word “Lord” Dominus refers to both the Father and the Son.

    “Quaesivi vultum tuum” I have sought Thy Face. I have sought for Thee and none other beside Thee. Thy Face is my only reward. I will seek Thy Face, O Lord : in this demand will I persevere. Indeed I will not look for any unworthy object, but only Thy Face that I may love Thee more generously, because I find none other more precious. The Face is the reward of the elect. The righteous shall dwell under Thine eyes, and when they will love the face, they will eat the bread of the sweat of their brow ( Gen. 3, 19 ) .

    “Let us return, wiping away the sweat, let us end the weariness and the weeping that we may shine in Thy all satisfying Face. Neither let us search anymore, because there is nothing better. Let us not abandon Thee, and we shall not be abandoned by Thee. Because what was said about the Lord, after the Resurrection? I will be filled with overflowing joy with Thy Face, because without Thy Face there would not be joy for us.”

    For St. Augustine the Face of Christ is the symbol of the Beatific Vision. The significant passage concerning the Face of Christ to the Divine Essence in the Beatific Vision is easy to see oneself in the following words which he uses to express the form of man and the form of God :

    “He gave the human form to the pious and the weak (feeble in faith ) ; to the pure and holy he reserved the form of God, so that we may be able to rejoice in Him and be happy for ever in His sight.”