To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

A little bit of context from the get go: A few days earlier in the revelation of November 10, 1843, our Lord urged Sr. Marie de St. Pierre to approach her Mother Prioress to have the prayers of reparation printed and disseminated. After doing so, Sr. St. Pierre felt that she had accomplished the Lord’s will, and that a great burden was thus lifted from her. However, that was as far as the Lord’s desires were going to be implemented, due to pressure from the public and legitimate authority. This caused the Mother Prioress to discern that Sr. St. Pierre was ardently seeking this mission from a prideful heart, and imposed a penance forbidding her from proposing it anymore. This discernment could not be further from the truth. However, instead of pleading with her Mother Prioress, she accepted this humiliation as being an opportunity to abase herself , and was thus filled with great interior joy coming from her incredible obedience. She reasoned though, that this penance did not prohibit her from making interior acts of reparation!

    “Our Lord,” said she, “desired me to compassionate the sorrows of his Heart; for if this Divine Master were capable of sadness or of suffering, he would be saddened even unto death at the sight of the torpid state of man who, far from uniting himself to him, thereby to render glory and honor to his heavenly Father, is continually blaspheming his Holy Name, in union with Lucifer and his accomplices. How much it would please him if the faithful children of the Church would lovingly unite themselves with him in the Holy Sacrament of the altar, and with the holy angels to love and bless the Name of his heavenly Father!  It is with these intentions that I offer my devotions in honor of the Holy Name of God, in union with the Heart of Jesus, the angels and saints, finding in such holy company, an adequate supplement for my unworthiness. I depose my prayers in the Sacred Heart, by the hands of Mary and Joseph, begging our adorable Saviour to multiply them a million times, with the same power with which he multiplied the loaves in the desert.”

     Her cherished devotions once commenced, the good sister knew not where to stop. “With the same object in view,” said she, “Our Lord inspired me to form a crown or chaplet composed of prayers in reparation. It is interesting to note here, that in the Golden Arrow book p. 124, a description of the Chaplet prayers is given: “This Chaplet is made up of thirty-three small beads, on which is recited thirty-three times the prayer, “Arise, Oh Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let those that hate You flee before Your Face,” and also sic large beads on which are recited the ejaculation, “My Jesus mercy,” followed by the doxology, “Glory be to the Father, etc.” Fr. Lawrence Carney has powerfully labelled the Holy Face Chaplet to be therefore a “minor exorcism,” as this verse (Arise Oh Lord, etc.) is according to the exorcist St. Athanasius, the Scripture verse (Numbers 10:35, and Psalm 68) that the devil hates the most and flees from. This verse should then be perpetually on our lips!

One day, during the holy sacrifice of the mass, my Divine Master gently drew me within the recesses of his Heart; and it seemed that he presented me this chaplet, which appeared to be of the purest gold, inlaid with precious stones. But thinking myself most unworthy of possessing such a great treasure and fearing to be assailed by robbers, that is to say, by the devil and his agents, I begged the Blessed Virgin to guard the beautiful chaplet in her most amiable Heart, and I asked Our Lord to grant some indulgences to it.  I think this crown is very agreeable to him, but most odious to Satan.

From p. 234 of the Holy Face Manual, it is apparent that our Lord did via Holy Mother Church attach 100 days of indulgence every time “My Jesus mercy” is prayed! It is no longer common practice to attach time in days/years to indulgences. They are most commonly labeled as being a partial or full indulgence. It seems that our Church came to the conclusion that only God knows the exact length of Purgatory time is needed to expiate the temporal punishment due to sin. Moreover, God is outside of time, this is a human concept, therefore days & years to Him are irrelevant. The manual goes on to say that it is well to recite the Holy Face Chaplet daily in order to obtain from God, through the merits of His Son’s Holy Face, the triumph of Holy Mother Church, and the downfall of her enemies. Are you all in?

the littlest wren

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Revelation of approximately November 15, 1843

A little bit of context from the get go: A few days earlier in the revelation of November 10, 1843, our Lord urged Sr. Marie de St. Pierre to approach her Mother Prioress to have the prayers of reparation printed and disseminated. After doing so, Sr. St. Pierre felt that she had accomplished the Lord’s will, and that a great burden was thus lifted from her. However, that was as far as the Lord’s desires were going to be implemented, due to pressure from the public and legitimate authority. This caused the Mother Prioress to discern that Sr. St. Pierre was ardently seeking this mission from a prideful heart, and imposed a penance forbidding her from proposing it anymore. This discernment could not be further from the truth. However, instead of pleading with her Mother Prioress, she accepted this humiliation as being an opportunity to abase herself , and was thus filled with great interior joy coming from her incredible obedience. She reasoned though, that this penance did not prohibit her from making interior acts of reparation!

    “Our Lord,” said she, “desired me to compassionate the sorrows of his Heart; for if this Divine Master were capable of sadness or of suffering, he would be saddened even unto death at the sight of the torpid state of man who, far from uniting himself to him, thereby to render glory and honor to his heavenly Father, is continually blaspheming his Holy Name, in union with Lucifer and his accomplices. How much it would please him if the faithful children of the Church would lovingly unite themselves with him in the Holy Sacrament of the altar, and with the holy angels to love and bless the Name of his heavenly Father!  It is with these intentions that I offer my devotions in honor of the Holy Name of God, in union with the Heart of Jesus, the angels and saints, finding in such holy company, an adequate supplement for my unworthiness. I depose my prayers in the Sacred Heart, by the hands of Mary and Joseph, begging our adorable Saviour to multiply them a million times, with the same power with which he multiplied the loaves in the desert.”

     Her cherished devotions once commenced, the good sister knew not where to stop. “With the same object in view,” said she, “Our Lord inspired me to form a crown or chaplet composed of prayers in reparation. It is interesting to note here, that in the Golden Arrow book p. 124, a description of the Chaplet prayers is given: “This Chaplet is made up of thirty-three small beads, on which is recited thirty-three times the prayer, “Arise, Oh Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let those that hate You flee before Your Face,” and also sic large beads on which are recited the ejaculation, “My Jesus mercy,” followed by the doxology, “Glory be to the Father, etc.” Fr. Lawrence Carney has powerfully labelled the Holy Face Chaplet to be therefore a “minor exorcism,” as this verse (Arise Oh Lord, etc.) is according to the exorcist St. Athanasius, the Scripture verse (Numbers 10:35, and Psalm 68) that the devil hates the most and flees from. This verse should then be perpetually on our lips!

One day, during the holy sacrifice of the mass, my Divine Master gently drew me within the recesses of his Heart; and it seemed that he presented me this chaplet, which appeared to be of the purest gold, inlaid with precious stones. But thinking myself most unworthy of possessing such a great treasure and fearing to be assailed by robbers, that is to say, by the devil and his agents, I begged the Blessed Virgin to guard the beautiful chaplet in her most amiable Heart, and I asked Our Lord to grant some indulgences to it.  I think this crown is very agreeable to him, but most odious to Satan.

From p. 234 of the Holy Face Manual, it is apparent that our Lord did via Holy Mother Church attach 100 days of indulgence every time “My Jesus mercy” is prayed! It is no longer common practice to attach time in days/years to indulgences. They are most commonly labeled as being a partial or full indulgence. It seems that our Church came to the conclusion that only God knows the exact length of Purgatory time is needed to expiate the temporal punishment due to sin. Moreover, God is outside of time, this is a human concept, therefore days & years to Him are irrelevant. The manual goes on to say that it is well to recite the Holy Face Chaplet daily in order to obtain from God, through the merits of His Son’s Holy Face, the triumph of Holy Mother Church, and the downfall of her enemies. Are you all in?

the littlest wren

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