To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

In Order to Repair the Blasphemies Committed Against His Sacred Name

In union with the whole Church, by the hearts of Mary and of Joseph all burning with love, and in the name of all men, I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee, 0 Jesus of Nazareth! King of the Jews, full of meekness and of humility, of grace and of truth. Mercy and justice are with Thee; love is Thy substance; Thou art the Christ, the only Son of the living God, and the blessed fruit of the womb of the glorious Virgin Mary. 0 Jesus! Good Shepherd, who hast given Thy life for Thy sheep, by all Thy sacred wounds, Thy precious blood, Thy divine tears and beloved sweat, by all the sighs, the groans , the sorrows, the love, the merits of the thirty three years of Thy holy life, enclosed in the ineffable sanctuary of Thy most loving Heart, have pity on us, poor and miserable sinners; convert all the blasphemers and profaners of the holy day of Sunday, and give us a share in Thy divine merits, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

(This salutation must be repeated three times in order to honour his divine life, his glorious life and his mortal life.)


Eternal Father, I offer Thee the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, in expiation for our sins and for the needs of Holy Church.

Amiable Heart of Jesus, our mediator, appease Thy Father, and save sinners.  Powerful heart of Mary, refuge of sinners, stay the arrows of divine justice.

Saint Michael, pray for us.

Saint Martin, pray for us.

Saint Louis, pray for us.

0 God our Protector, behold us and cast

Thine eyes upon the Face of Thy Christ. (Ps.83, v9.)

(Manual of The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face Pages 218-219)

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Salutation to our Lord Jesus Christ

In Order to Repair the Blasphemies Committed Against His Sacred Name

In union with the whole Church, by the hearts of Mary and of Joseph all burning with love, and in the name of all men, I salute Thee, I adore Thee, and I love Thee, 0 Jesus of Nazareth! King of the Jews, full of meekness and of humility, of grace and of truth. Mercy and justice are with Thee; love is Thy substance; Thou art the Christ, the only Son of the living God, and the blessed fruit of the womb of the glorious Virgin Mary. 0 Jesus! Good Shepherd, who hast given Thy life for Thy sheep, by all Thy sacred wounds, Thy precious blood, Thy divine tears and beloved sweat, by all the sighs, the groans , the sorrows, the love, the merits of the thirty three years of Thy holy life, enclosed in the ineffable sanctuary of Thy most loving Heart, have pity on us, poor and miserable sinners; convert all the blasphemers and profaners of the holy day of Sunday, and give us a share in Thy divine merits, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

(This salutation must be repeated three times in order to honour his divine life, his glorious life and his mortal life.)


Eternal Father, I offer Thee the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, in expiation for our sins and for the needs of Holy Church.

Amiable Heart of Jesus, our mediator, appease Thy Father, and save sinners.  Powerful heart of Mary, refuge of sinners, stay the arrows of divine justice.

Saint Michael, pray for us.

Saint Martin, pray for us.

Saint Louis, pray for us.

0 God our Protector, behold us and cast

Thine eyes upon the Face of Thy Christ. (Ps.83, v9.)

(Manual of The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face Pages 218-219)

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