To bring adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus to the whole world and promote reparation for sins against the first three Commandments.

Revelation of December 21, 1846 - 

Words of Sr. Marie de St. Pierre from The Golden Arrow p. 183 – p. 185

It is hardly in my power to explain what transpired within me during the last fifteen days as our Lord poured out upon this my miserable soul torrents of precious graces. This Divine Director of my soul spoke to me as follows:

My daughter, surrender yourself more completely to My guidance, and endeavor to have more simplicity for I Myself want to impart to you true nourishment for your soul. Your repeated fears about being deceived, as also your uneasiness and frequent disquietude, prevent Me from acting in you as freely as I desire.”

I then confessed that to be my fault and our Lord hastened to wield a new power over me by disclosing to me several wonderful secrets of His infinite mercy.

Another day our Lord showed me the multitude of souls that were continually falling into hell, and He invited me in a most touching manner to help these poor sinners. He pointed out to me in particular that Religious have a most strict obligation towards these poor, blind souls who precipitate themselves into the eternal abyss, and that if other charitable souls would ask grace and mercy for these blinded ones, God’s mercifulness would open their eyes.

Our Saviour also said to me that if He would require rich people to render Him a strict account to show whether they really helped the poor with the surplus temporal wealth He had entrusted to them, with what greater severity would He not demand an account from a Carmelite, who as a Religious was rich to overflowing with the wealth of her celestial Spouse. He said that such a Religious would be compelled to show what use she had made of these treasures to bring about the salvation of other immortal souls. Our Lord added:

My daughter, I give you My Face and My Heart. I give you My Blood, and I open to you My Wounds. Draw from these and pour out their spiritual riches on others. Buy without money! My Blood is the price for souls! Oh, how painful it is to My Heart to see remedies, which have cost Me so dearly, scorned! Ask of My Father as many souls as the number of the drops of Blood that I shed in My Passion!”

On another day our Lord showed me His Holy Cross, saying that He had given birth to all His children on this bed of pain. Then He made me understand that in carrying the Cross for love of Him, and through prayers, I would obtain eternal life for those who were dead to grace, and whose resurrection He desired so ardently. Oh, what yearnings I see in the Heart of Jesus for the salvation of sinners!

On still another day our Lord placed my soul at the brink of Eternity, or rather at the gate of time, that I might help sinners during their last agony in that dreadful journey from Time to Eternity.

Finally, our Lord gave me a vision in which I saw a mysterious wall protecting our nation from the darts of Divine Justice. Our Lord told me that this wall which reached to heaven was the special daily devotion which I offered for the needs of our nation, undoubtedly joined to the prayers and merits which many pious souls offered to God for the same intention. This devotion consists in reciting one hundred times each day a prayer wherein the Holy Face of our Lord is offered to his Eternal Father in honor of all the Sacred Mysteries of the Saviour’s life and death to implore the salvation of our country. Our Lord told me that He gave me this vision to encourage me to persevere.

What a beautiful and rich revelation! What can we garnish from it as we approach so very close to the Nativity of our Lord? I offer to you some points of reflection and consideration:

  1. There is such great comfort in learning that the soul of this pious Carmelite was often full of fear & noisy on the inside. When our Lord called her out on that, she hastened to confess it to Him, and He quickly rewarded her with His merciful secrets. What an encouragement to have the same prompt recourse to the Lord, begging Him to silence the “storms” in our heart, especially during these dwindling days of Advent when busy-ness seems unavoidable. Let us be intentional about spending quiet time in Adoration & prayer with our King, preparing room for Him in our “busy inn,” otherwise we will miss the boat, getting lost in never ending tasks and preparations.  Let us not let another Christmas come and go without reflecting on the incomparable gift of His Incarnation & Birth.
  2. Fr. Lawrence Carney speaks about the vision our Lord gave to Sr. Marie about the multitude of souls falling into hell to be like snowflakes – great imagery for us in December who live in Canada & in the northern US! At this joyful time of year, let us not forget the necessity of praying for the souls of those in our family and amongst our friends, who are in need of conversions/reversions (our own included!). How important it is for us to enter into our daily Holy Rosary prayers with heartfelt fervency & persevere in our Holy Face Devotions, particularly on Tuesdays, both of which our Blessed Mother and our Lord promise conversions. These necessary prayers do not take holidays! Take note of what our Lord promised in this revelation, if charitable souls would ask grace and mercy for blinded souls – that His mercy would open their eyes!! That is a Christmas present that we surely want for all of our loved ones!
  3. Also, take special note of the efficacy that our Lord places on calling upon His Heart, His Face, His Wounds, and His Blood as remedies for these conversions! Both Sr. Marie de St. Pierre and St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face had deep devotions to our Lord’s Holy Face and His Precious Blood. Our Lord tells Sr. Marie to ask His Father for as many souls as was the number of drops of His Precious Blood that He shed during His Passion! This is a tremendous Christmas gift that we can give in return to our Heavenly Father – calling upon all of these remedies for souls – for His matchless gift of His only begotten Son for us when He became man.
  4. What consolation our Lord describes in carrying our daily Cross for love of Him and through our prayers – precisely that this is another efficacious method of saving souls. Jesus calls His Holy Cross His bed of pain. Servant of God Catherine Doherty spoke about nailing ourselves to the other side of it when we unite our sufferings to His. Is it not true that the reality of the Crosses we bear can seem much more pronounced at this time of year? Let us with even greater love & zeal strive to daily pick them up knowing that He ALWAYS keeps His promises. Our Lord is trustworthy, meaning worthy of our trust.
  5. Finally, our Saviour speaks about the special wall of protection that we can build through prayer for the protection and salvation of our country, offered to the Eternal Father in honor of all the Sacred Mysteries of His life and death. Perhaps, an interesting New Year’s Resolution to make for 2024 could be to offer this prayer (prayer link) whenever we are feeling particularly down in the dumps about the state of affairs in our own countries. Let us not sit idle, we CAN do something to re-orientate our topsy turvy world – pray this incredible prayer as if everything depends on us, trusting that our Lord will do everything to fight this battle for us in our times & has already triumphed from His Holy Cross. We can just pray, then sit back and smile! He literally has the whole world in His loving Hands.

A very Mary Christ-Mass to you & your families. May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph obtain for you many unexpected blessings in 2024!

the littlest wren

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His Heart, His Face, His Wounds & His Blood

Revelation of December 21, 1846 - 

Words of Sr. Marie de St. Pierre from The Golden Arrow p. 183 – p. 185

It is hardly in my power to explain what transpired within me during the last fifteen days as our Lord poured out upon this my miserable soul torrents of precious graces. This Divine Director of my soul spoke to me as follows:

My daughter, surrender yourself more completely to My guidance, and endeavor to have more simplicity for I Myself want to impart to you true nourishment for your soul. Your repeated fears about being deceived, as also your uneasiness and frequent disquietude, prevent Me from acting in you as freely as I desire.”

I then confessed that to be my fault and our Lord hastened to wield a new power over me by disclosing to me several wonderful secrets of His infinite mercy.

Another day our Lord showed me the multitude of souls that were continually falling into hell, and He invited me in a most touching manner to help these poor sinners. He pointed out to me in particular that Religious have a most strict obligation towards these poor, blind souls who precipitate themselves into the eternal abyss, and that if other charitable souls would ask grace and mercy for these blinded ones, God’s mercifulness would open their eyes.

Our Saviour also said to me that if He would require rich people to render Him a strict account to show whether they really helped the poor with the surplus temporal wealth He had entrusted to them, with what greater severity would He not demand an account from a Carmelite, who as a Religious was rich to overflowing with the wealth of her celestial Spouse. He said that such a Religious would be compelled to show what use she had made of these treasures to bring about the salvation of other immortal souls. Our Lord added:

My daughter, I give you My Face and My Heart. I give you My Blood, and I open to you My Wounds. Draw from these and pour out their spiritual riches on others. Buy without money! My Blood is the price for souls! Oh, how painful it is to My Heart to see remedies, which have cost Me so dearly, scorned! Ask of My Father as many souls as the number of the drops of Blood that I shed in My Passion!”

On another day our Lord showed me His Holy Cross, saying that He had given birth to all His children on this bed of pain. Then He made me understand that in carrying the Cross for love of Him, and through prayers, I would obtain eternal life for those who were dead to grace, and whose resurrection He desired so ardently. Oh, what yearnings I see in the Heart of Jesus for the salvation of sinners!

On still another day our Lord placed my soul at the brink of Eternity, or rather at the gate of time, that I might help sinners during their last agony in that dreadful journey from Time to Eternity.

Finally, our Lord gave me a vision in which I saw a mysterious wall protecting our nation from the darts of Divine Justice. Our Lord told me that this wall which reached to heaven was the special daily devotion which I offered for the needs of our nation, undoubtedly joined to the prayers and merits which many pious souls offered to God for the same intention. This devotion consists in reciting one hundred times each day a prayer wherein the Holy Face of our Lord is offered to his Eternal Father in honor of all the Sacred Mysteries of the Saviour’s life and death to implore the salvation of our country. Our Lord told me that He gave me this vision to encourage me to persevere.

What a beautiful and rich revelation! What can we garnish from it as we approach so very close to the Nativity of our Lord? I offer to you some points of reflection and consideration:

  1. There is such great comfort in learning that the soul of this pious Carmelite was often full of fear & noisy on the inside. When our Lord called her out on that, she hastened to confess it to Him, and He quickly rewarded her with His merciful secrets. What an encouragement to have the same prompt recourse to the Lord, begging Him to silence the “storms” in our heart, especially during these dwindling days of Advent when busy-ness seems unavoidable. Let us be intentional about spending quiet time in Adoration & prayer with our King, preparing room for Him in our “busy inn,” otherwise we will miss the boat, getting lost in never ending tasks and preparations.  Let us not let another Christmas come and go without reflecting on the incomparable gift of His Incarnation & Birth.
  2. Fr. Lawrence Carney speaks about the vision our Lord gave to Sr. Marie about the multitude of souls falling into hell to be like snowflakes – great imagery for us in December who live in Canada & in the northern US! At this joyful time of year, let us not forget the necessity of praying for the souls of those in our family and amongst our friends, who are in need of conversions/reversions (our own included!). How important it is for us to enter into our daily Holy Rosary prayers with heartfelt fervency & persevere in our Holy Face Devotions, particularly on Tuesdays, both of which our Blessed Mother and our Lord promise conversions. These necessary prayers do not take holidays! Take note of what our Lord promised in this revelation, if charitable souls would ask grace and mercy for blinded souls – that His mercy would open their eyes!! That is a Christmas present that we surely want for all of our loved ones!
  3. Also, take special note of the efficacy that our Lord places on calling upon His Heart, His Face, His Wounds, and His Blood as remedies for these conversions! Both Sr. Marie de St. Pierre and St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face had deep devotions to our Lord’s Holy Face and His Precious Blood. Our Lord tells Sr. Marie to ask His Father for as many souls as was the number of drops of His Precious Blood that He shed during His Passion! This is a tremendous Christmas gift that we can give in return to our Heavenly Father – calling upon all of these remedies for souls – for His matchless gift of His only begotten Son for us when He became man.
  4. What consolation our Lord describes in carrying our daily Cross for love of Him and through our prayers – precisely that this is another efficacious method of saving souls. Jesus calls His Holy Cross His bed of pain. Servant of God Catherine Doherty spoke about nailing ourselves to the other side of it when we unite our sufferings to His. Is it not true that the reality of the Crosses we bear can seem much more pronounced at this time of year? Let us with even greater love & zeal strive to daily pick them up knowing that He ALWAYS keeps His promises. Our Lord is trustworthy, meaning worthy of our trust.
  5. Finally, our Saviour speaks about the special wall of protection that we can build through prayer for the protection and salvation of our country, offered to the Eternal Father in honor of all the Sacred Mysteries of His life and death. Perhaps, an interesting New Year’s Resolution to make for 2024 could be to offer this prayer (prayer link) whenever we are feeling particularly down in the dumps about the state of affairs in our own countries. Let us not sit idle, we CAN do something to re-orientate our topsy turvy world – pray this incredible prayer as if everything depends on us, trusting that our Lord will do everything to fight this battle for us in our times & has already triumphed from His Holy Cross. We can just pray, then sit back and smile! He literally has the whole world in His loving Hands.

A very Mary Christ-Mass to you & your families. May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph obtain for you many unexpected blessings in 2024!

the littlest wren

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