Shortly after the miracle of 1849 in Rome. Two linens of the copied engravings of the Veil of Veronica were sent to M. DuPont . He hung one of the Linens in his office and kept a burning oil lamp under it a sign of reverence to our Lord. Many visitors would come to his office with many different ailments. M. DuPont would have them anoint themselves with the oil then say various prayers of reparation. The result was over 6000 documented miracles. The miracles continued for 30 years! They became so numerous that Pope Pius IX declared Leo DuPont to be perhaps the greatest miracle worker in Church history. The prayers that were said before this sorrowful picture of Jesus are the prayers in the Archconfraternity Manual of the Holy Face “the Formulae”or the “Golden Arrow” prayer and the Litany of the Holy Face. (see the Formulae at bottom of page: as taken from the Archconfraternity Manual)

Prayers to the Holy Face Extracted from the writings of Venerable Leo Dupont.
I. –Elevation of the heart to Jesus,upon the outrages offered, to His Holy Face.
Who can say how greatly our divine Saviour is offended by blasphemy! Placed as he is between his Father and sinners, the outrages which cannot rise as high as Heaven fall in a rain of ignominy upon his divine Face.
O Jesus ! Thou must be God, since Thou art patient enough still to remain in our midst! If Thou couldst but find a sufficiency of friends possessed of the courage to interpose between Thee and the miserable people w h o conduct Thee back to Calvary !
But, as on the day of Thy Passion, Thou art alone amongst Thy enemies. Alas! do we not run the risk of losing all, if, illuminated by the light of faith which enables us to see what Thou art O Jesus ! do we not at least imitate the witnesses of Thy death in their lively contrition? If it be not given to all of us to weep like Saint Peter, grant that we may strike our breasts like the populace which returned to Jerusalem distracted with grief at recognizing the proof of a deicide.
O Holy Ghost! Thou who didst enlighten the Apostles and didst reanimate their courage so energetically, inflame us with Thy divine fire, put into our mouths burning words after having enkindled in our hearts the fire of Thy love, that becoming new men, we may feel ourselves possessed of sufficient courage to throw ourselves into the midst of the ranks of the enemy. Give us grace to vanquish them and to oblige them to love Thee. Amen.
II. -Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face.
Lord Jesus! after having contemplated Thy features, disfigured by grief; after having meditated upon Thy Passion with compunction and love, how can our hearts help being inflamed with a holy hatred of sin, which even now, still outrages Thy adorable Face? But, not allowing ourselves to be content with mere compassion, give us grace to follow Thee so closely on this new Calvary, that the opprobrium destined for Thee may rebound upon us, O Jesus, and that we may at least have some small share in the expiation of sin. Amen.
III. — Offering- of the Holy Face to the Eternal Father.
Almighty God, Eternal Father, contemplate the Face of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. W e present it to Thee with confidence for the glory of Thy Holy Name, for the exaltation of Thy holy Church, and for the salvation of the world. Most merciful Advocate, he opens his mouth to plead our cause; listen to his cries, behold his tears,O my God, and Thou wilt be touched with compassion towards the poor sinners who ask of Thee grace and mercy. Amen.
IV— Prayer to the Holy Face for the feast of the Dedication.
O God ! who on the day of the dedication of the Temple, in an effusion of merciful goodness, didst promise to listen, from the height of heaven, to those who should invoke Thy Name, and who should seek Thy Face; grant to the associates of the Work of Reparation of blasphemy, prostrate before Thy adorable Face, the graces of which they have need in order efficaciously to work out their own salvation and to convert the blasphemers themselves, for whom Thy holy Name is invoked with confidence.Thou, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.
V. -Aspiration towards the glorious Face of our Lord.
Lord! at the thought of the blessings which the vision of Thy Face could not but shed upon the earth, the Prophet exclaims in a holy transport : “Happy the people who joyfully declare Thy glory…” O Lord! permit us to aspire to this divine science, grant us to walk in the light of Thy Face, and to rejoice in the praises which w e will offer by day and night to Thy holy Name.
(Ps. LXXXVIII, 15, 16, 17.)
Prayers of M. Dupont
O Saviour Jesus ! at the sight of Thy most Holy Face, disfigured by grief, and at the sight of Thy Sacred Heart so full of love, I cry out with Saint Augustine: Lord Jesus, impress upon my heart Thy sacred wounds, that I may read therein at once Thy sorrow and Thy love ; Thy sorrow, in order to suffer every affliction for Thee; Thy love, in order for Thee to despise every other love. Amen.
Lord Jesus! when presenting ourselves before Thy adorable Face to entreat Thee for the graces of which we have need, we beseech Thee, above all things, so to order the interior dispositions of our hearts, that we may never refuse Thee aught that Thou Thyself askest of us every day, through Thy holy commandments and by Thy divine inspirations. Amen.
O good Jesus, who hast said: “Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you,” give us, if it be Thy will, the faith which supplies all, or else supply Thyself all that is wanting in us of faith; grant us, by the sole effect of Thy charily and for Thy eternal glory, the graces of which we stand in need and which we look for from Thine infinite mercy. Amen.
Be merciful to us, O my God! do not reject our prayers, when, in the midst of our afflictions, we call upon Thy holy Name and seek with love and confidence Thy adorable Face. Amen.
We thank Thee, 0 Lord, for all Thy benefits, and w e entreat Thee to engrave in our hearts feelings of love and of gratitude, putting upon our lips songs of thanksgiving to Thy eternal praise. Amen.
Formulae; Which Mr. DuPont used when Anointing the Sick With Oil
Unctiones sanitatis conficiat et perficiat ipse Deus. In nomine Patris, etc.
In English. May the Lord himself deign, together with us, to anoint this sick person and to restore him to health. In the name of the Father, etc.
Or else : May the holy Names of Jesus, of Mary and of Joseph be known , blessed and glorified throughout the whole earth. Amen.
Or else: Crux sacra, sit tibi lux et sanitas, benedictio et voluntas Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Amen.