How did I find out about this? Well, I’ll tell you. I came out of Adoration one day back in March 2020 and saw a single tiny booklet lying at the back of the church. I felt compelled to pick it up. When I looked at the front cover it had the Holy Face image, which I had never seen before. I started reading it. I couldn’t stop, I sat in my car and read the entire booklet, and then I drove home and read it again. All I was thinking was “this is it!” I felt like I had discovered what I had been searching for all my life. It felt tailor-made, just for me. If you knew me, you would know I have a bit of a preoccupation with freemasonry and communism. I had previously posted 12 videos on YouTube and got 250,000 views before I started getting threatening emails and took them down. So, this devotion tackles the very thing that I believe is at the root of all this moral decay. People think the moral free-fall is all organic, but no! It has all been carefully planned. We are all victims of incessant, sophisticated propaganda to destroy our identity, our faith, marriage, family and the social order.
Well, back to my story. I then watched Father Blount (exorcist) on YouTube and heard him say that our birthday has a special, secret significance and if we pray and do the research, God will allow us to discover its hidden meaning. So I took up the challenge. I started looking to see if maybe my Patron Saint, St. Francis, did anything spectacular on my birthday. I looked at significant events in church history which happened on March 1st, my birthday. Then I came across something which just floored me. On March 1st 2020, the year I discovered the devotion, was the actual feast day of the Holy Face. I called my mother, who had been praying the Golden Arrow prayer for about a year at the time. She was amazed. I told her I was going to look up her birthday to see if it coincided with anything significant. I went back on my computer and typed in my mother’s birthday: February 17th 1953. I started researching. BANG! My mother was born on the feast day of the Holy Face!!!
When I told her, she was completely blown away. She has an 1887 Vatican-issued Holy Face relic above the fireplace. She had been praying the Holy Face prayers every day not knowing she was born on the feast day of the Holy Face.
So, that’s both me and my mother having our birthdays land exactly on the feast day!
Well, I decided to start a website to promote this devotion. I kept talking about it in the church cafe. I discovered there were people there wearing Holy Face medals and scapulars. So many were fully aware of this devotion and I had so many great conversations. Then one of the parishioners approached our parish priest and asked him to consecrate our TLM parish to the Holy Face. He agreed and did the mass this year with an image of the Holy Face on display for weeks. There is now a monthly Holy Face prayer group in the parish. I can’t take any credit for any of this, it was the work of a few very passionate Holy Face devotees at my parish. For some, this devotion seems all-encompassing. I met a woman who opened her diary in front of me and straight away I noticed the name “Leo Dupont” on the inside of the cover. I just pointed and said “Leo Dupont?” She replied “Yes, I keep a list of the feast days of the Holy Face saints to remind me”.
The other day I had a laugh, I said to my wife how this devotion is like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. There are people all over the world awakening to a secret truth and coming together, connecting with each other, making images and posters and waiting, anticipating for something truly wonderful to happen. Something that most people have no idea about. She laughed because the parallels with the movie are quite amusing.
When I decided to start this devotion, I wanted a General to command. I wanted someone who fought Communism, so who better than the great Venerable Fulton Sheen? So, I wrote to and asked for permission to use his talks on my videos. I was shocked when they said yes.
Next, I wanted another General to fight Freemasonry, so who better than St. Maximilian Kolbe? He always wanted to be a soldier, so he seemed right. I then wrote to the Militia Immaculata and they granted my apostolate full affiliation, I was blown away! A few weeks later, on our Lady’s birthday, I received a letter in the post from the Militia with news of the affiliation in writing.
I now had 2 great generals, one to fight Communism and one to fight Freemasonry. But, I also wanted to teach the faith to children, especially young boys with no father. So I decided to make the website much more appealing to what I would have liked when I was a teenager. I also wanted simplicity. I had a poor catechesis and I like things to be easy and simplistic, so I felt inspired to adopt St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Who else could be more appropriate?
Next, a Carmelite nun told me to add St. Francis De Sales, then the list grew. I now have 12 generals and want to add more 🙂
I see it as an army amassing both in Heaven and on earth and I am excited about it. Something great is happening!
My website still requires a lot of work. I want to add all the basics of the faith in a simplistic format. I am slowly getting there. Although I have spent a lot of time on the site, some days I get as little as 1 single view. It has never even hit 100 views in a day. I need to spend more time on it, try and perfect it as much as I can and then heavily promote it. Thank you for sharing with your friends. I saw my stats spike!
This is the devotion which brought me hope, which spoke directly to my heart, which reassured me that everything has been taken care of. It tells me that our God is a God of war. He wars against evil and He wants to raise an army to fight this great final battle under the guardianship of His Blessed Mother. Father Carney says “Jesus loved a good fight”.
The French rejected the Sacred Heart and suffered revolution and destruction but we will not reject the Holy Face! We need to unite and promote each other’s work. We want our societies saved, our families secure and the faith to be central. We want the destruction of the controlled mass media, the global communist political system, and Freemasonry and a return to faith, tradition and the Latin rite. I believe all of this will come true through this devotion.
God Bless,
Allan (`