Pardon, pardon, 0 my God, for the innumerable souls which are being lost, every day, around us. The devil rushes forth from the abyss, hurrying to make horrible conquests; he excites the infernal band; he exclaims: Souls, souls! Let us hasten to ruin souls! — And souls fall like autumn leaves into the eternal abyss. We also, 0 my God, we will cry: Souls! Souls! We must have souls, wherewith to acquit the debt of gratitude we have contracted towards Thee; we ask them of Thee by the wounds of Jesus, our Saviour. These adorable wounds cry out to Thee even as so many powerful mouths. The King crowned with thorns demands subjects torn from the devil; we ask them from Thee, together with him and by him, for Thy greater glory, and by the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, conceived without sin.
(1887 Manual of the Holy Face)
3 responses to “Cry of Love”
Utterly profound and deep prayer. Thank you for posting.
Yes, we agree. Should be the Catholic battle cry!
[…] However, with this consolation the story continues, as we are called by the Lord to pray it forward! The elder brother in the parable was clearly miffed and felt gypped that he had never been offered the privilege of a celebration despite his steadfast obedience to His Father’s will. Did he ever have pity on his brother and make any effort to rescue him from that life of dissolution, encouraging him to return home and seek restoration? The Gospel passage does not say. But, as our Lord Jesus reminded Sr. Marie, we first owe recompense to the Lord by spiritually embracing the office of the pious Veronica and tenderly wiping from His Face the blood pouring out from his wounds. In other words, to do penance. Next, we are to work assiduously for our own salvation, and also that of others. Like her, we are to have pity on our brethren and pray that they will not be that dust, violently swept away by a tornado of evil into the eternal fire of hell. Let us make a resolution this Lent to ask the Lord to reveal to us a soul or souls to whom He wants us to witness confidently that a good holy Confession will restore our friendship with our Heavenly Father and bring back the abiding peace we so desperately seek for our souls. Please see the Cry of Love prayer. […]